FBI Director of Counterintelligence Priestap has been delivering testimony to a joint congressional committee – IOTW Report

FBI Director of Counterintelligence Priestap has been delivering testimony to a joint congressional committee

CTH: FBI Director of Counterintelligence E.W. “Bill” Priestap has been delivering testimony to a joint congressional committee for more than seven hours.

This is Bill Priestap’s first testimony to congress. Previously all of Priestap’s statements have been made to FBI and INSD (Inspection Division) investigators. This is also likely the first time many congressional members will have heard of the scale and scope of the abuse by the DOJ-NSD and FBI.

The joint House Judiciary and Oversight Committee has been hearing testimony from Bill Priestap all day. A tweet from Chad Pergram notes: “Colleague Catherine Herridge rpts a mbrs familiar w/Hse closed-door i-view w/FBI espionage chief Bill Priestap has been cooperative. But says FBI Agent Strzok played an more central role than previously known in Clinton email/Russia investigations beyond Strzok/Page text messages.”

It appears there will be confirmation of prior research.  There was always a strong suspicion FBI Agent Peter Strzok was working around his boss Bill Priestap and reporting directly to Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe and to a lesser extent FBI chief legal counsel James Baker.  Activity in both the Clinton email and Russia investigations that was outside normal chain-of-command structure.

If this aspect of Priestap’s general testimony is confirmed it will solidify the construct of the small group and their closely-guarded, unscrupulous and political intentions.  more here


10 Comments on FBI Director of Counterintelligence Priestap has been delivering testimony to a joint congressional committee

  1. SD keeps calling it a small group, but it seems to be much bigger than what I call small. I wonder when Priestap flipped, or was he a white hat to begin with, or an indifferent hat – until the SHTF.

  2. “SD keeps calling it a small group, but it seems to be much bigger than what I call small…”

    Yep. Hey Schiff, the Nixon Model is maxed out on characters. You’re going to need a bigger model.

  3. “This is also likely the first time many congressional members will have heard of the scale and scope of the abuse by the DOJ-NSD and FBI.”

    don’t they read the news papers like obama ?

    they probably still have their fingers in their ears saying “nah nah nah” real loud so they cannot hear it.

    or they would have to do something about it.

  4. This is proving to be much more complex and wide ranging than anyone could have imagined. It was something that grew over time as the arrogant corruption of the highest levels of the Osmidgen Administration permeated the upper levels of the Intelligence Community. Once Clinton was defeated by the Great Usurper, there was no way to keep a lid on all the different players’ paper trails. Now, the seditious rodents are starting to turn on one another trying to stay out of prison. The Great Unraveling has begun, but it will be many months before the true depth of this corruption is exposed.

  5. Enough time & $$$ wasted. Pull a Mueller…raid all the treasonous scumbag’s attorney offices and homes. Their rules. Slowly bleed their bank accounts so that their lawyers run to the ocean.


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