FBI Director Wray Doesn’t Confirm or Deny if Joe Biden Is Under Investigation for Alleged Burisma Bribes  – IOTW Report

FBI Director Wray Doesn’t Confirm or Deny if Joe Biden Is Under Investigation for Alleged Burisma Bribes 


FBI Director Christopher Wray did not confirm or deny if President Joe Biden is under investigation for alleged bribes from an executive at Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company that paid Hunter Biden $83,000 per month for a board position.

While testifying before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, Tom Tiffany (R-WI) asked Wray if Joe Biden accepted payments from Burisma and whether he is under investigation for the alleged bribe of $5 million.

“Did Joe Biden take payments from Burisma or any other foreign companies as vice president, President, or as a private citizen Biden?” Tiffany asked.

Wray refused to answer the question and directed the member to U.S. Attorney David Weiss, who told Congress on Monday the FBI informant form alleging the Biden family bribes is part of an ongoing investigation. Weiss’s statement appears to correspond with his original statement about Hunter Biden’s plea deal. more

9 Comments on FBI Director Wray Doesn’t Confirm or Deny if Joe Biden Is Under Investigation for Alleged Burisma Bribes 

  1. SO WHAT!??!@?#?%?*

    Wray; like Comey, Rod, Mueller et.al. is a “Bush Republican”.

    FBI said Clinton committed over 100 felonies. HOW MANY YEARS DID SHE SPEND IN PRISON?!@?$?&!

    “Bush Republicans” have been Democrats since “Voo Doo..”. Wray is proof positive Bush Republicans still are “D”!

    I’m looking right at you RNC Chairgirl!

    for those <60 "Voo Doo was 1980.

    ??? How can I disable SPELL CHECK?

  2. It’s been very clear since Comey lectured us on why hildebeast wouldn’t be charged with anything, (no reasonable prosecutor, blah, blah, blah) that the FBLie will collude, lie and protect their cronies and do it in an in your face manner. They don’t care that we know how corrupt they are. They have been successful in their end game of converting us into a banana republic with a subservient populace. It’s long past time for tar and feathers, something more persuasive is needed.

  3. This is all the fault of the GOPe. All of it. And where is that goofball GOP chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniels? Oh – she’s out laundering money and working to lose yet another election – her FIFTH.


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