FBI failed to review Steele’s ties to Russians, warned some of dossier was Moscow disinformation – IOTW Report

FBI failed to review Steele’s ties to Russians, warned some of dossier was Moscow disinformation

Just The News- Key FBI officials failed to review an intelligence file identifying Christopher Steele’s ties to Russian oligarchs and were later advised some of the information he provided agents in his dossier appeared to be misinformation planted by Russian intelligence, according to declassified information made public Friday.

The explosive revelations were contained in footnotes that had been originally redacted from Justice Department inspector general Michael Horowitz’s December report on FBI failures in the Russia case. The information was provided to two Senate committees in recent days.

One of the newly declassified footnotes highlights a glaring misstep early in the Russia case, when key officials failed to review the intelligence control file for Steele, a former MI6 agent who approached the FBI with unverified allegations about Trump after he was hired to do opposition research by the firm working for Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party. read more

6 Comments on FBI failed to review Steele’s ties to Russians, warned some of dossier was Moscow disinformation

  1. How many screw ups do the imbeciles at the FIB get before the whole “management floor” is fired? When is enough finally enough?
    Chis Wray is way beyond useless.

  2. Why were the footnotes redacted in the first place?
    Why were the (mostly) unredacted versions released now?
    What do we know now that we didn’t know before the release?

    I see no “explosive revelations” here. All we’re seeing are a few inert pieces of cold shrapnel from a bomb that went off a long time ago.

  3. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO….. whatever happened to transparency? There should be NO redactions! PERIOD! THESE COCKSUKERS WORK FOR US!!!!! Or they don’t work at all. I am so sick of this shit, I could puke. Go to their houses , drag them out in their pajamas and hang the fuckers from the highest limb we can find. FFS! I am not sure about PDJT but I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!

  4. To me the word “failed” means someone was unsuccessful accomplishing a goal. But in this case it looks like the goal of the FBI granpoobahs was to willfully ignore Steele’s ties or cover it up. In which case, they didn’t fail. They succeeded. At least initially. Anyone who has played sports games knows, a crappy play can succeed with a good fake move, and timing is the key to pulling it off.

  5. The cia, in coordination w/the fbi, planted the Russian disinformation in order to justify their previous fraudulent fisa warrants to spy on candidate then president DJT. This info was redacted to delay/cover their asses so that if/when it was discovered, they could claim they were duped/scammed by those sneaky/pesky lying ruskie oligarths that they had previously used and abused for many years. They will claim,”oopsie, our bad” sorry, doj/fbi/cia will all point stanky fingers at each other and claim innocence to the effing coverup. My idea is charge them all w/death penalty and see who breaks first, then hang them all for conspiracy to commit treason. Squealer gets his choice of hanging, firing squad, or electrocution, all without a hood so they can see those executing the justice they deserve.


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