FBI Giving Special Treatment to Crooks’ Mental Health “Expert” Parents – IOTW Report

FBI Giving Special Treatment to Crooks’ Mental Health “Expert” Parents

Able Child: It’s no surprise that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) seems to have  ignored the glaring mental health component within the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump and the murder and injuries of Trump rally attendees, considering its refusal to connect mental health “treatment” to any of the mass shootings.  In fact, the recently released report from the FBI regarding what it considered were common factors in mass shootings completely ignored and excluded mental health treatments.

FBI Director Wray’s entire focus is on the alleged shooter testifying before lawmakers that the FBI believes Thomas Mathew Crooks is the lone gunman.  However, the FBI, so far, has failed to provide any physical evidence to prove that Thomas Matthew Crooks actually is the lone shooter.  It took the FBI director almost three weeks to give the public the make and model of the weapon allegedly used, an important piece of information it was aware of the evening of the assassination attempt. Why withhold that information for three weeks?  But that does not put the weapon in the hands of Thomas Matthew Crooks. For that to occur, the public will need to see the ballistics, DNA, and fingerprint test results. We’re waiting. Just as mysterious as the missing physical evidence, it is odd to say the least that Crooks family seems to be treated with kid gloves. Why? more here

14 Comments on FBI Giving Special Treatment to Crooks’ Mental Health “Expert” Parents

  1. Wait…I thought the new leftist thing was that parents who enabled their psycho kids to get a gun were supposed to be prosecuted to hell and back.. Yet I don’t see any rabid DA jumping to file charges, and certainly no federal action from Merrick Garlick’s DOJ. What’s up with that

  2. @ Heatsync Thursday, 1 August 2024, 22:28 at 10:28 pm

    Not a chance in hell. My inclination is that is the weakest link in the chain right now and the feds involved who were grooming the kid and know what the parents know are sweating out knowing that if they break omerta thee barbarians are inside the gates and the whole fuckeree is going to come apart at the seams. If they are smart they have setup multiple redundancy in their dead man switches and let those who know what they know that it is in their interest to see that nothing unfortunate happens to them.

  3. @ dee THURSDAY, 1 AUGUST 2024, 23:02 AT 11:02 PM

    One foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. The fat bastard is one Little Debbie away from shitting the bed for the last time.

  4. “The Narrative” continues … and continues … and continues …
    We, the People of the United States, … who established this Nation and are, thus, the sovereign of this Nation … will NEVER get the facts of the matter.

    Our sovereignty was usurped while we slept.
    We are STILL asleep.

    Our Nation is in the hands of malefactors, thieves, liars, murderers, assassins, perverts, and other assorted maggots.
    And STILL we sleep.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Note: The “registered to” comment is fishy. Most places don’t register long guns. From pafoa.org “in Pennsylvania it is actually illegal for any government or police agency to keep a registry of firearms per 18 Pa. C.S. § 6111.4 (Registration of firearms).”

    It’s also illegal for ATF to have a registry. So they either new ahead of time, or they have an illegal registry being used by law enforcement.

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