FBI had doubts about Russia informant’s allegation that helped prompt Mike Flynn probe – IOTW Report

FBI had doubts about Russia informant’s allegation that helped prompt Mike Flynn probe

Just The News-

Five days before the FBI formally opened the Michael Flynn probe in summer 2016, a confidential informant alleged to agents that Donald Trump’s national security adviser had left a 2014 foreign meeting alone with a Russian woman. Agents ultimately deemed the account “not plausible” and “not accurate” but proceeded to investigate Flynn anyway, newly declassified documents show.

FBI confidential human source (CHS) reports show Stefan Halper, an academic who long worked for the bureau as a trusted informant, was the original source of a story that Flynn had left a 2014 event in Cambridge, England, with the Russian scholar Svetlana Lokhova while he was still the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency. read more

5 Comments on FBI had doubts about Russia informant’s allegation that helped prompt Mike Flynn probe

  1. Flynn supposedly left a meeting with a Russian woman? That’s terrible. It’s certainly is much worse than employing a Chinese spy for years or having an affair with a Chinese spy.

  2. “FBI had doubts …”

    That’s supposed to lead us to believe that *some* in the FBI are men of honor and integrity. Nothing could be further from the truth.
    An organization CANNOT have doubts. If some individuals had doubts and refused to call attention to those doubts, they are cowards. Worse than cowards, in fact, they aided and abetted enemies of the Republic, allowed the persecution of a decent man, facilitated a stolen election, helped install a usurper, and sounded the death knell of America.

    How these despicable miscreants can sleep is a mystery.

    Didn’t even have enough guts to say: “I’m out! I will not be a party to Treason or the trampling of the Law.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. TIM

    WELL SAID!@!#$! Those cowards are just as guilty as GWB’s boys!

    but I’v said over 1,000 times since GWB made Mueller FBI head out should be destroyed! The openly “Americans” they are protecting are pour “betters” Bush and Soros!


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