FBI Hired Barely Literate Candidates, Urged Fat Applicant To Continue Process, Report Alleges – IOTW Report

FBI Hired Barely Literate Candidates, Urged Fat Applicant To Continue Process, Report Alleges

DC: The FBI is reducing hiring standards to the point where it is considering overweight applicants and hiring barely literate agents, a group of current and former FBI agents and analysts allege.

In a report delivered to the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees, the FBI officials describe how Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is being prioritized in the hiring process to the point where standards are being reduced for physical fitness, drug usage, finances, mental health, experience and integrity, the report states. more

21 Comments on FBI Hired Barely Literate Candidates, Urged Fat Applicant To Continue Process, Report Alleges

  1. “FBI Hired Barely Literate Candidates, Urged Fat Applicant To Continue Process, Report Alleges”

    …Well, Pedo Joe is barely literate and there’s plenty of Stacey Adamseque Two Tons of Fun in the donkey leadership, so why should their minions not be a reflection of their bosses…

  2. I can’t get a job because I’m, “OVERQUALIFIED!” Or it may be because I’m middle aged and a honkey.

    I never understood the concept of over qualified. I can sweep floors, too.

    But even AT&T stated, “Oh no, you don’t want this job!”.

    Maybe I need to become a fat negro faggot drug addict? And shit, yo!

  3. Funny how in mainstream it’s mentioned if your name is Laquanna or Quintavius you won’t get called for an interview. I’ve been saying for years the only way I’ll get called for an interview is if it IS my name on the application.

  4. When I started working for them, Mobil Chemical Co. was pressured to hire minority applicants as process operators even though it was hard to find qualified ones. The ones they hired had graduated from high school, but when it was discovered that some couldn’t read beyond a forth-grade level, Mobil sent them to a special school for a year to teach them how to read. A couple of them turned out to be good operators.

  5. “The goal is to enslave us.”

    We enslaved ourselves with the passage of the 16th Amendment.
    Our labor became the property of the State – thus we became the property of the State.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Actually pretty smart. Got a potentially dangerous situation?

    Send in Team Tard as Fodder. You’re very Own Gulf of Tonkin incident in an


    The Left has taken “Never go full Retard” as a challenge.

  7. Erik the ne’er do well unmasked scumbag
    FRIDAY, 26 JANUARY 2024, 0:14 AT 12:14 AM
    “I can’t get a job because I’m, “OVERQUALIFIED!” Or it may be because I’m middle aged and a honkey.”

    Wear a dress. They may make you an Admiral. Which would be odd for AT&T, but these are strange times.

  8. they bez emulatin’ de disarmed-services, where some members are excused from fitness requirements because de bez in a pro-tekted class. right-on, right-on.

  9. Welcome to the dumbed-down drag and drop society of hacked-up, cut and paste Liberal cultural gurus that have manufactured an attention deficit riddled, Adderall addicted, self-absorbed, functionally illiterate, dysfunctional uninformed Ignorami that can’t handle sound bites over 30 seconds in length that don’t rhyme, let alone (Gawd forbid) a history class spanning 30 minutes!!
    They may not be able to read, write or understand maff, but hey, at least they’re FBI material!

  10. “…standards are being reduced for physical fitness, drug usage, finances, mental health, experience and integrity…”

    Just like the airlines. What could go wrong?


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