FBI: If You Have Been Victimized by Epstein, We Would Really Like to Hear From You – IOTW Report

FBI: If You Have Been Victimized by Epstein, We Would Really Like to Hear From You

Dan Bongino:

The official FBI twitter account of New York wants Epstein’s victims to know that his actions did not die along with him and his apparent suicide. @NewYorkFBI tweeted the number 1-800-CALL-FBI next to a photograph of the sexual abuser with the caption “We are renewing our appeal for any possible victims of Jeffrey Epstein to contact us at 1-800-CALL-FBI. If you have been victimized by Epstein, we would really like to hear from you.”

24 Comments on FBI: If You Have Been Victimized by Epstein, We Would Really Like to Hear From You

  1. Yes, because the FBI is a paragon of virtue and will do the right thing.

    Anyone ever read the book “Six Days of the Condor” or seen the movie “Three Days of the Condor”? I’m more of a book fan, but I’m told Robert Redford was in the movie.

    Yeah, please contact the FBI. We’re from the government, we’re here to help.

  2. HI FBI. You guys victimized voters by trying to destroy the guy we voted for, and then your stupidity and mental illness as a federal department has been causing a lot of us to be violently and financially attacked by a bunch of other people who are emotionally retarded and evil.
    Where do I file a complaint? I brought 2 middle fingers as ID.

  3. Oh the poor little globetrotting, partying coke whores. All of a sudden they’re ‘trafficked victims.’ Spare me. Alot of jetsetting, wild, party girl cokewhores are all of a sudden ‘trafficked’ once they lose their looks. Who cares?

  4. Well, this is more than a day late and a dollar short. There might have been a little more of a zing to that want ad if the Pedo/star-witness-was-still-alive.

    Is it better to go through the motions and pretend you are doing something or to just not do anything? All this talk of ‘doing something’ be it Hillary’s e-mails to Epstein reminds of that movie 7 days in Entebbe. Slow, building up and building up and when it came for the IDF commando to shot every single one of the terrorist bastards to death it cuts to a modern interpretative dance. Here I was wanting blood in slow motion and it cuts to a freaking modern dance troop. What a waist of time.

    The DOJ had better start shooting people, metaphorically speaking, NOW. And by shooting people I mean try them for treason and if found guilty put their backs against a wall and shoot them.

  5. Who would be the last agency you would trust to come forward about dirt on the swamp?

    Poor America. We’ve lost our FBI. Only a DRACONIAN purge of the agency and imprisonment of its corrupt leaders could fix it. Same with the CIA and IRS.

  6. Sarcastic comments about the FBI are so true! Evidence and witnesses get snuffed out, just like they did for 9/11. Never volunteer what you know, or what physical evidence is possessed. If they have even a clue about anyone owning evidence, they will do a seize and destroy raid. It’s a for real threat any time. Shudder–Condor! But there is a true event about political murder done under Clinton.

    Waco: The Untold Story.
    “The following was extracted from a report prepared by Attorney Paul Wilcher, a report based on actual eyewitness testimony.”
    “On May 21st, 1993, Wilcher went to present the following to US Attorney General Janet Reno, on June 23rd Wilcher’s badly decomposed body was found in his apartment.”
    “Wilcher had made one critical mistake in presuming the innocence of Janet Reno and Bill Clinton; it was a mistake that was to cost him his life.”

  7. Gathering evidence to see if anyone has any residual information on the Clintons.

    NICE TRY! No thanks, the guy’s dead, I’ll just wait out the Clintons, they’re old too.

  8. Can you imagine how many books will be written about the FBI after this? About how shitty it is? And the memos and letters and investigation results that will be printed and written about and sent all around the world with Comey’s, clintons, mueller’s and 0bama’s names on them (plus more) as POS criminals?
    And how about these assholes in Congress who covered it up? You know, that shit is FOREVER.
    Every time someone says, “Greatest American Scandal in History”, these motherfloodpluckers will appear at the top of the list, until the end of time. And they won’t be able to hide it from the public.
    There will still be researchers, Conservatives, pissed off Dems, Libertarians and other politicians who will remind us in the future.

    As much as the left pretends to love bill clinton, they know what he did.
    They know what his wife did, too.


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