FBI Informant Fed Media Lies to Smear Flynn, Defamation Lawsuit Alleges – IOTW Report

FBI Informant Fed Media Lies to Smear Flynn, Defamation Lawsuit Alleges

Epoch Times: 

Cambridge academic Stefan Halper, who was de facto outed as an FBI informant, is being sued for allegedly spreading lies to media about a supposed relationship between retired Gen. Michael Flynn and Halper’s Russian-born former colleague, Svetlana Lokhova.

Lokhova is a Cambridge graduate and UK-based historian with a focus on documenting Russian espionage during the Soviet era.

“Until she was egregiously defamed by Halper and his co-conspirators in 2016, 2017, and 2018, Lokhova enjoyed an untarnished reputation in the community in which she lived and worked,” states the complaint filed in a federal court in Virginia on May 23. She’s asking for over $25 million in damages.

According to the lawsuit, Halper fed falsehoods about Lokhova and Flynn to the media, including The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and MSNBC, in order to drum up a narrative that Flynn had a nefarious relationship with Russia.

Flynn was a campaign adviser, and later, national security adviser, to President Donald Trump. The Flynn-Russia narrative was used by Trump’s opponents to further allegations that his campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 election. Those allegations proved unsubstantiated after multiple investigations by Congress, the FBI, and special counsel Robert Mueller.

Since late 2016, legacy media outlets, one after another, ran articles that apparently left many people with the impression that Lokhova was a Russian spy who somehow got access to a high-level meeting in 2014, at which she approached Flynn, who was then the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, engaged him in a relationship, or possibly an affair, on behalf of Russian intelligence.

The articles drew on unidentified sources, which the lawsuit alleges were Halper and Christopher Andrew, Cambridge professor and official historian of MI5, the United Kingdom’s domestic counterintelligence and security service. read more 

7 Comments on FBI Informant Fed Media Lies to Smear Flynn, Defamation Lawsuit Alleges

  1. Sued? I misread that as skewed, which I think is appropriate given the fat bastid probably already spent the money paid him by we the taxpayers.

  2. $25 mill? You can get $2 billion for claiming weed killer gave you cancer, hundreds of millions for claiming baby powder gave you cancer. Ruining someones reputation and livelihood by companies worth billions should be worth more. This is a nuisance lawsuit for them. Send them a message.

  3. It couldn’t be more obvious that the only person of these three, Halper, Flynn, or Lakhova, that is likely to be an agent of Putin is Halper himself. Being a Cambridge scholar only means he’s a charter member of the ruling class that has turned the UK government into Iran’s favorite whore in the West.

    If the CIA, at the time, wasn’t being run by a member of the Muslim brotherhood, they’d have likely put a stop to a piece of shit like Halper before he could do any damage, and if the UK were run by English patriots instead of marxist shitbags, Halper would’ve been strung up and disemboweled alive a long time ago.

  4. And half the Red Chinese government had sleepovers at the White House during Clinton’s stay in office without a peep from any of the so called watchdogs in the press etc. What jokes they are.


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