FBI investigates how maggots got into DNC breakfast – IOTW Report

FBI investigates how maggots got into DNC breakfast

CHICAGO — A revolting surprise greeted Democratic convention-goers Wednesday when maggots were found during a hotel breakfast service — and the FBI is now investigating the apparent activist stunt. 

26 Comments on FBI investigates how maggots got into DNC breakfast

  1. Palestinian terror supporters (they say protesters–tomato, tomahto) did the same thing in July at the Watergate hotel when Netanyahu was staying there. I’d look at them first, since they say the Biden-Harris admin supports genocide.

  2. What!? You mean the maggots weren’t invited?
    I thought that the DildoCrats liked to eat with their own kind.

  3. What are the odds some democrat piece of shit sprinkled the maggots on the food in order to get the FBI to claim it was the “far right” that did it? That’s how these scumbags think.


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