FBI Investigators: Hillary drove Vince Foster to suicide – IOTW Report

FBI Investigators: Hillary drove Vince Foster to suicide

DC: FBI investigators claim that verbal abuse from Hillary Clinton drove Vince Foster, a former White House aide to President Bill Clinton, to commit suicide in 1993.

“In interviews for my book The First Family Detail, the FBI agents revealed the truth about Foster’s death on July 20, 1993 when he shot himself at Fort Marcy Park along the Potomac River,” author Ronald Kessler wrote for the Daily Mail Thursday.

vince foster 1

Kessler states that former FBI agents Coy Copeland and Jim Clemente — while contributing to “independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr’s probe of the Clintons’ investments in the Whitewater real estate development” — discovered a private meeting then-First Lady Hillary held with White House aides, one week before Foster’s suicide.

The meeting was held to discuss Hillary’s proposed health care legislation and she began verbally abusing Foster when he disagreed with her.
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22 Comments on FBI Investigators: Hillary drove Vince Foster to suicide

  1. Sorry, that won’t fly. Screeching Harpy is not an explanation for the events in Ft. Marcy Park. She’s a treacherous witch who will kill if she can get away with it. I don’t think it was mean words from Hillary that killed Jim McDougal, either.

  2. Sure … that’s what happened … yeah … after the Tooth Fairy didn’t leave him $1.00 and Santa Claus gave him a bucket of coal … yep … I believe that … and he rode the Unicorn to Ft. Marcy Park which is why there were no footprints … and the elves helped him shoot himself … twice … and the Park Police did the investigation because he was too small-time for the FBI … yeah … I b’lieve all that … bullshit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. grool, I think the Clintonian term of art is “inoculation”. Just get a controlled, non-lethal dose of the scandal virus out in thE MSM, then have Andrea Mitchell or lil’ Georgie denounce the scandal as ” discredited” or “old news, dude”.

  4. Between the obamas and the clintons there are literally scores of strange deaths. If anyone believes they were either suicides or natural causes, they’re insane. Everyone always asks the question, “How many people does the average person know who has been murdered?” (Personally, I have only one direct incident — a young woman who once cleaned house for us was strangled)

    The corruption is so deep and so wide in our gov’t. People know things and they are afraid to talk or are part of it. Of this I have zero doubt.

  5. I understood that the Park Police investigated the Foster case, not the FBI or SS. It was so ordered. I may be wrong. So much water under the bridge since then, what fucking difference, at this point, does it make?

  6. Never forget my question from previous Foster threads…

    “Who commits suicide on the day your daughter is flying into town for lunch with Dad, followed by a grand tour of the White House?”

    Jail would be too easy for Hillary. Lunch down here with Vince is in her Eternal future. Trust me. 👿

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