FBI just told us we’d be in bad hands with Hillary – IOTW Report

FBI just told us we’d be in bad hands with Hillary

NYP: FBI Director James Comey stood before the nation and issued a list of Hillary Clinton’s astounding wrongdoings Tuesday as regards America’s national security — and then said he was not recommending
prosecution because, in essence, what Mrs. Clinton did was “extremely careless” but not criminal.

As he spoke, I recalled F. Scott Fitzgerald’s peerless description in “The Great Gatsby” of a feckless wealthy couple: “They were careless people, Tom and Daisy—they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into . . . their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.”

Fitzgerald’s Tom and Daisy are pikers compared to Bill and Hillary. If one wishes to accept Comey’s contention that Mrs. Clinton is a careless but not criminal person, and one then considers her carelessness as a continuum with her husband’s careless conduct during his time in the Oval Office, then the Clintons have earned the dubious distinction of being the most outrageously careless couple this nation has ever known.  more

15 Comments on FBI just told us we’d be in bad hands with Hillary

  1. So, James Comey believes that Hillary’s homebrew servers were for convenience and not an attempt to shield criminal activity?

    Hey Comey, what exactly was her INTENT then?
    And what about all of the INTENTIONAL lies Hillary told?

    Just go to hell Comey, you annoy the shit out of me.
    Go ahead, sic your pussy-assed FBI on me you little bitch!

  2. When he writes his memoirs he will use the Gerald Ford defense. Yes, she was guilty as hell but he didn’t want to put America thru the trauma of a presidential candidate being indicted as a criminal!

  3. “FBI director Comey was in charge of the FBI when they murdered Robert “LaVoy” Finicum, and subsequently illegally incarcerated over 60 patriots/ranchers/farmer protesting Hillary’s uranium for Russia deal. Additionally, Obama installed Comey. Comey had previously been a top officer in a corporation that is represented within the Bilderberg elites. Yes, the same Bilderberg group that is now backing Hillary Clinton. Trump is right when he said today, “The fix is in.” – See more at: http://www.rense.com/general96/addend.htm#sthash.r9nl0NYC.dpuf

  4. She’s treated like Michael Moore at the buffet. He didn’t intend for no one else to have meat in their stew, he was simply careless in thinking of others when he picked it all out for himself.

  5. “… those who are plainly evil, who are clearly traitors, or who aim at tyranny are thought by all mankind to be worthy of death.”

    the “murderer” of Euphron
    Thebes, 366 BC

    It’s easy to see why socialists/totalitarians would put so much effort into mal-educating our youth.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. She is exactly what her voter base is – run up and sucker punch a seventy year old while your friends cheer you on. If you get caught they’ll circle the wagons around you and throw rocks at those who try and hold you accountable.

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