FBI Lovebird Peter Strzok Claims he will Respond to Trump’s “Attacks” – IOTW Report

FBI Lovebird Peter Strzok Claims he will Respond to Trump’s “Attacks”

Dan Bongino.com: Disgraced former FBI agent Peter Strzok has vowed to respond to President Trump’s “attacks” on him, writing in tweeting that he will have “more to say” in the future.

The Washington Times points out that late Thursday evening, Strzok wrote on Twitter, “I will have a great deal more to say about the president’s attacks on those with responsibility for holding him accountable. America deserves better.”

Strzok’s comments came shortly after President Trump called him and his lover, Lisa Page “lowlifes” and “FBI lovers” during a speech celebrating his impeachment acquittal yesterday. more

21 Comments on FBI Lovebird Peter Strzok Claims he will Respond to Trump’s “Attacks”

  1. Anyone else read between PRESIDENT Trump’s lines yesterday as he spoke in The East Room about what all those evil bastards tried to do to him?

    I personally believe justice WILL come. Because The Donald will NEVER let this 💩 stand! BELIEVE ME.

  2. Strzok apparently seems to think he is in charge of the Executive Branch and responsible for holding the President accountable instead of the other way around.

    But he’s wrong.

  3. @ Jerry Manderin FEBRUARY 7, 2020 AT 12:20 PM

    No doubt. Donald Trump is a man who values his personal honor and dignity, what is more he understands that he has a duty to go after those responsible.

  4. The folks at Judicial Watch continue to mention that they see no indication that a serious investigation is tooling along. They have their ear to the ground in the swamp and they’d be likely to know if something was happening.

    It’s nothing as we have come to expect or it’s the most carefully concealed investigation in Washington history.

  5. I want to hear from Stzrok’s wife. She’s the smart one in the family. Mrs. Stzrok discovered that her husband, the FBI’s head of counterintelligence, was having an illicit, adulterous affair and called the gummy one with his cellular telephone to confront his mistress. America deserves to hear from the intelligent one in the Stzrok Family.

  6. The GESTAPO doesn’t investigate itself.
    The Waffen SS doesn’t investigate itself.
    The KGB doesn’t investigate itself.
    The foxes guarding the hen-house don’t investigate themselves.
    Who investigates the investigators?
    IG? Durham? They’re part of it. Even if Barr is inclined, they’ll stymie him at every turn. I believe Sessions was stonewalled – not incompetent or lazy.

    THIS is the problem with bad cops (and spooks: FBI, CIA, NSA, BATFE, DIA, &c.) – they can literally get away with murder – thus, few are courageous enough to take them on.
    I’m guessing that there’s a complete underworld of these characters, like the SS had after WWII, that give each other financial and material support – who are like-minded in their treasonous contempt of America and Republican government, in general.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Barr just gave a speech in which he issued a dire warning about the true intention of the Chinese government’s plans for our demise.

    I found it odd that China is so worrying to him yet Washington is in a shambles and the future of a cohesive government is in doubt and he seems content with doing little about it.

  8. @”Chris Wray”:

    You people crack me up with this “investigation”, “accountability” and “justice” stuff.

    You’d better hope to see some of that justice stuff before it gets to the point of 6.5 Creedmoor, .30-06, and .50 BMG stuff, not to mention piano wire and lamp posts.

    That would, of course, be bad for everyone — but especially bad for the likes of you.

  9. He won’t say a damn thing except to say he’ll respond soon. He couldn’t let Trumps remarks pass by without comment although he dearly wants to stay low and hope everyone forgets about him and the bimbo.

  10. Well, maybe, just maybe Trump and Co. are keeping mum about any details (Jerry Manderin, I also caught Trump’s rather unveiled hint yesterday), for the same reason he didn’t tell Pelosi about Solemani (or however he spells it). He doesn’t want the cockroaches to feel threatened and run for their hidy holes. I say let Strozk keep running his mouth; it’ll be easier to set the hook that way.

  11. Wait until Trumps second term. There will be things that he’ll tackle that to do now would make reelection difficult. He’ll also have identified his moles by then. Should be glorious.

  12. @Tim February 7, 2020 at 12:51 pm

    > THIS is the problem with bad cops

    (hat tip to South Park)

    There are NO “bad” cops.
    (still holding the fedora for Mr. Montoya)


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