FBI Makes It Official: Hillary Clinton Is Under Investigation – IOTW Report

FBI Makes It Official: Hillary Clinton Is Under Investigation


PJM: In a letter disclosed Monday in a federal court filing, the FBI confirms one of the world’s worst-kept secrets: It is looking into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.

Why say this at all, since it was widely known to be true?  Because in August in response to a judge’s direction, the State Department asked the FBI for information about what it was up to.  Sorry, the FBI said at the time, we can neither confirm nor deny the existence of any investigation.

Now, in a letter dated February 2 and filed in court Monday, the FBI’s general counsel, James Baker, notes  MORE

16 Comments on FBI Makes It Official: Hillary Clinton Is Under Investigation

  1. Agree with Vietvet.

    Nothing will happen.
    Bill and Hill could have a threesome with a dead horse on stage, then butcher it, and the FBI wouldn’t even blink.
    And her supporters will still vote for her because she has a vag…..(throws up in mouth)

    As long as the Justice Department is controlled by dems, nothing will happen to her.


  2. What Vietvet said. Appointing a Special Counsel to prosecute sounds serious, but all it means is that a quisling RINO will be brought in to whitewash and exonerate. Obama is probably asking Justice Roberts for recommendations already.

  3. Loretta Lynch: “Whachu talkin bout, Willis?”

    B. Hussein Obola: “Whodat? FBI? Don’t spell in front of me, dammit! Where’s Reggie? I need a stool softener …”

    J. Biden: “Is she bringing ice cream?”

    G. Soros: “I love it when a plan comes together …”

  4. Prosecution or no, I believe she is circling the bottom of the bowl in the primaries. She has the stench of sleaze, and enough young democrats are getting turned off.

  5. Well, this sure provides Obama with his plausible deniability for trashing Hillary’s chances…even if he/his DoJ doesn’t indict (agreed, unlikely).

    Which leads to the question: WHO, now, has the upper hand in the Dem’s nomination? Certainly not Sanders; he’s not a Dem and they know he has NO national appeal/draw. Joe? Fauxcahontas?

    Either that sort of “surprise” is coming, or some deal with Bloomberg.

  6. FBI Indicts, Bill fakes heart attack so Hillary has an out.
    Biden and Warren for the Dems
    Bloomberg gets in, implodes on air within a week.
    Then we find out the ‘fight’ between Cruz and Trump is all made up as Trump picks him for VP
    Trump taunts Biden into a foul mouthed tirade on live TV.
    Biden quits because FCC fines exceed first term salary.
    Warren picks up torch, lights self on fire, as Ted Cruz destroys her so badly during VP debate, the transcripts of the debate are used in textbooks for centuries
    Landslide rivals Reagan’s

    Ex-POTUS 44 runs self over with own golf cart on first round in Hawaii.
    Crippled for life

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