FBI Never Investigated Abedin/Clinton Laptop Emails In October 2016 – IOTW Report

FBI Never Investigated Abedin/Clinton Laptop Emails In October 2016

CTH: As many people are aware, CTH has decided to go back through two years of documents, releases, reports, testimony, media interviews; including interviews with fired FBI Director James Comey; question all prior assumptions; re-examine the entire framework within all the known granular DOJ and FBI activity; and finally contrast it all against the full scope of released messaging between FBI Agent Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

Within this project some breakout discoveries need to be highlighted. One of those discoveries pertains to the Fox News interview with James Comey and Bret Baier.

Within the interview Mr. Comey is questioned about the announcement of re-opening of the Hillary Clinton email investigation on October 28th, 2016.  In his response to why there was a delay between the FBI being notified by New York on September 28th, and waiting until October 28th, James Comey revealed a very important nugget.  more

13 Comments on FBI Never Investigated Abedin/Clinton Laptop Emails In October 2016

  1. Gee, Deputy Dawg would have done a more thorough investigation.

    Y’know, this isn’t really more of a Keystone Kops-type bullshit than a willful ignorance bordering on Treason.

    The FBI has proven, beyond any doubt, that they are incapable of objectivity and should probably be merged into the local ACORN and disbanded as a “law enforcement” agency.

    Sorta like the GESTAPO investigating the SS.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. So all the president has to do is inform NYPD that the feds will not be opening the Eric Garner case or seeking to prosecute the cops, put an honest team in place in Justice Department’s Southern District and Easter District of NY and instruct them to release everything that Weiner’s lawyer turned over, then sit back and watch the whole cover up blow wide open.

    Make it so.

  3. The FBI cannot officially comment on any pretend show investigations to placate the permanent minority political party as they run interference for the correct party during a presidential election season.

  4. It’s absolutely sickening to read this crap and realize nothing has been done to punish those responsible for perverting our system to this extent. It is difficult to envision the arrogance of the perpetrators who obviously thought Hillary’s presidential election would conceal their actions.
    We can only hope that Sessions is arranging a Saturday night massacre that will shake the world with massive revelations. It’s going to hurt a lot of slimeballs but it is necessary to reinstall the voters faith in our country.
    For too long we have been informed by a sector of DC that wrong is right.
    No, it isn’t. Crimes have been committed and punishments are due.

  5. It’s pretty obvious they were trying desperately to avoid having this stuff come out during the debates, and then once those were finished, they were hoping to run out the clock until November 9th. That call from SDNY to Main Justice on 10/21, two days after the final debate, let the Clinton cabal know that it wasn’t going to be able to hide this scandal until Madame President Hillary could kill it.

  6. Why hasn’t the FBI gotten a search warrant for Comey’s home. He has much more sensitive classified material in his safe at home.
    Is this another FBI Cover-up?

    The Comey connected elite are the real white privileged recipients.


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