FBI Offered Christopher Steele $1 Million to Prove Bogus Dossier Claims – IOTW Report

FBI Offered Christopher Steele $1 Million to Prove Bogus Dossier Claims


13 Comments on FBI Offered Christopher Steele $1 Million to Prove Bogus Dossier Claims

  1. How much did the DOJ and the FBI spend all together on a Zero results phony BS political investigation??? And when will they return the stolen money to taxpayers? Tax Slaves want to know.

  2. Many top level FBI executives should be prosecuted for their crimes. The FBI will never recover from years of political scandals until those responsible are held accountable. They knew President Trump was innocent yet they proceeded anyway? Perp walk time.

  3. @judgeroybean October 13, 2022 at 10:17 am

    > Many top level FBI executives should be prosecuted for their crimes.

    So the slaves that pick their cotton, can “know” The Regime Is Always Right(TM). Same as it ever was.


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