FBI: People Knew Chattanooga Jihadi Was Radicalized, Said Nothing to Police – IOTW Report

FBI: People Knew Chattanooga Jihadi Was Radicalized, Said Nothing to Police

Breitbart: The Chattanooga Times Free Press was told by an FBI agent that Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez, who attacked two military locations and killed five U.S. service members last July, became “radicalized” at least a year before the attack… and people who knew about it said nothing to the authorities.

According to Special Agent Ed Reinhold, Abdulazeez was radicalized online before he visited family in the Middle East in 2014.

“He had discussed committing jihad; he had not taken any affirmative action toward it,” said Reinhold, without specifying when, or where, those discussions took place.

“I know he wanted to commit jihad and commit jihad here in the United States, but I don’t think the specific target was necessarily picked out too far in advance. There was some planning involved, but not years-worth,” he said.  Read more

18 Comments on FBI: People Knew Chattanooga Jihadi Was Radicalized, Said Nothing to Police

  1. Of course the people that knew he had hopped on the Crazy Train said nothing. For one, any loose lips will result in your death.

    And what they say about the difference between a moderate moslim and a “radical” moslim is true.

  2. The term “radicalized” annoys me. To “become radicalized” one has to assume that at some prior point the terrorist was not radicalized and hence a pretty nice guy–sort of saying that in the interim he fell in with a bad crowd.

    Islam is a death cult. The radicalization is built into the creed. One cannot be a “moderate” Muslim without being an apostate. You buy the bit you buy the package.

  3. Tennessee has to do with muslim cohorts what the did with businesses that force “gun free zones” on people: hold them legally and financially liable.

  4. I take it back; the laws for treason already exist: giving aid and comfort to the enemy…all it takes is for *someone* with backbone to label the enemy for what it is…“Call for Mr. Trump on the Red White and Blue Courtesy Telephone, please.”

  5. This is the fear. How many Mosques have been effectively taken over by radicals inserted by their Iranian/Saudi/ISIS etc masters who now control through fear and intimidation. I suspect that most muslims (unlike non muslims) are fully aware just what horrors one of these “true believers” can commit in the name of Allah and Muhammad and end up scared sh*tless. Some of our more colorful urban communities operate the same way but at least their not trying to get ahold of WMD. I’m sure some plots have been foiled by the timely notification of the authorities by muslims but I’m equally sure there are Mosques in the US, Canada, hell in every western country that are breeding grounds for both plots and the latest crop of suicidal teenagers or young men.

  6. TO scr_north

    Libra above is right: muslims themselves are insulted by the “moderate” moniker…it’s used, they say, as a divide and conquer technique of the West to prevent muslims from properly understanding REAL islam (read: terrorism, barbarism).

    They are not “moderate;” they are irrelevant and sleeper-traitors, just waiting for their opportunity – like Tonto – to turn and say, “what you mean WE, white man?!”.

  7. Tennessee has several jihad trading camps and mosques are popping up everywhere. This guy identified himself as suspect the minute he flew to the Middle East, had an Arab name and came back to the states. We taxpayers are being raped to fund inept, clueless agencies like DHS, ICE, and the FBI. Start earning our stolen money by monitoring mosques, look at fly lists and profile everyone of these assholes. Somehow it’s the neighbor or employers fault because they may have known something but didn’t call and lay out a plan for you morons. Do your fucking job, you overpaid, finger pointing government http://youtu.be/Y1ycA4IOR1U. You require a heads up from citizens but where were you as Bill Clinton walked up and strolled into the AG’s plane in Phoenix? Why didn’t you let us know?

  8. The only RADICAL Muslims are those who wish to coexist, or at least not kill, anyone who is not a Muslim.

    The killers, suicide bombers, rapists, thieves and sadists? They are just following the Profit [sic] Mohammad and doing as he commanded.

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