FBI: Predators from west Africa blackmailing teenage boys online – IOTW Report

FBI: Predators from west Africa blackmailing teenage boys online

Blaze: The Federal Bureau of Investigation is warning parents and kids alike that criminals from west African nations are targeting teenage boys online and threatening to release explicit photos of the victims if they do not pay.

“That girl from a neighboring high school who is chatting up your teenaged son on Facebook or Instagram may actually be a criminal from West Africa,” according to Cleveland.com citing a recent FBI warning.

Predators target boys predominantly aged 13 to 17 through instant-messaging apps like Facebook messenger or Instagram, claiming to be young girls from nearby communities. They share explicit photos first then urge the youths to share some of their own before using the received photos or video as blackmail.

The criminals, often from countries such as Nigeria or the Ivory Coast, then demand money or gift cards under the threat of publicly sharing the images. Often, victims are sent into a cycle of “shame, fear, and confusion” which can prevent them from reporting the crimes. more

11 Comments on FBI: Predators from west Africa blackmailing teenage boys online

  1. This is a job for O’Donnells, O’Learys and other bankers of American / African Buck Hunters and a barnicle crusted matey sailing the ship of pirates of every sea assignment desk.

  2. Never, ever give any personal information about your private affairs or send dick pictures over the internet to any unknown third party. You’ll be sorry if you do. I’m hoping my son will not allow his 3 kids any access to social media while they grow up, his ex-wife notwithstanding. Private info like porn sent over the internet is forever and will come back to haunt you. I delete everything that comes over the internet as Spam unless I absolutely know who the message is coming from and even then, I’m skeptical.

  3. “The Federal Bureau of Investigation is warning parents and kids alike that FBI agents from west African nations are targeting teenage boys online and threatening to release explicit photos of the victims if they do not pay.”


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