FBI probes Michigan imam over claims he incited London Bridge jihadi to kill – IOTW Report

FBI probes Michigan imam over claims he incited London Bridge jihadi to kill


“Jibril is an Arab-American Islamist preacher who has reportedly influenced hundreds of Westerners to fight in the Syrian conflict.”

Why is he operating freely?

An update on this story. “US TERROR LINKS FBI launch probe into Michigan Muslim hate preacher over claims he radicalised London Bridge killer – as family of ex-wife say he beat her and was ‘full of anger and hate.’”


13 Comments on FBI probes Michigan imam over claims he incited London Bridge jihadi to kill

  1. “Probe?” Wouldn’t “detain” work in this situation? How many terrorists have to be “on the radar” who go out and kill before we start taking them out BEFORE they kill?

  2. Probe? You mean like the San Bernardino terrorist & his lovely wife who was admitted under a fiancé via where she lied about her background, or Orlando Pulse Nightclub massacre Omar Mateen who was under FBI investigation for 2 years and ignored calls from gun shop owners suspicious of his behavior & purchases? That kind of probe?

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