FBI Quietly Admits Russian Hacking Was BS, Launches Manhunt After New Lead – IOTW Report

FBI Quietly Admits Russian Hacking Was BS, Launches Manhunt After New Lead

Conservative Angle: The FBI has finally decided that it needs to do its job, but apparently, it’ll be done quietly. After months of scamming the American public, the intelligence agency has a new goal and a new investigation after discretely admitting that the Russians didn’t hack the election. Now, they claim to have a new lead and a manhunt has ensued.

Having exclaimed that WikiLeaks is “a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like Russia,” the FBI has laid the blame for every embarrassing leak at Moscow’s footsteps, but now, they are looking for a non-Russian “insider” since they can’t keep blaming the wrong entities, Zero Hedge reports.

According to CBS News, a manhunt is underway for a “traitor” inside the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Sources familiar with the investigation say it is looking for either a CIA employee or contractor. They want to know who had physical access to the leaked material.

The agency has not said publicly when the material was taken or how it was stolen, but it is now known that Russia isn’t to blame. Much of the leaked material was classified and stored in a highly secure section of the intelligence agency, but hundreds of people would have had access to it. Investigators are going through those names.  read more

12 Comments on FBI Quietly Admits Russian Hacking Was BS, Launches Manhunt After New Lead

  1. There are multiple traitors. obama is the top person who ordered this BS and hillary colluded. And the other democrap and rino pols who went along with it, and the media who new it was BS and broadcast it 24/7 – all of them trying to start hostilities with Russia to cover their crimes.

    Now they will be looking for some flunky sacrificial lamb to destroy on the alter of lies and treason.

  2. The FBI and the IRS and the CIA are good places to start draining the swamp. We are waiting. Then you can move to the EPA, the DOE and any of the other acronym agencies that you can think of.

  3. Comey needs to go. It’s apparent he can do NOTHING, short of violating the law, that would get him replaced. Every time I see his face I think a) Incompetent b) partisan hack or c) all the above.

  4. These leaks are happening because the people seeing the information know how rotten to the core our government actually is.

    It’s a cry for help, in case you missed that.

  5. How have we survived these past years with such incompetent, devious and rotten intelligence(?) officials scamming their way to a bloated paycheck every month!

  6. It wasnt the Russians? All that evidence including nuclear sized hand wringing and wailing and gnashing of liberal teeth? Big of them to admit their complete and utter failure.

  7. “Mike Pompeo railed against WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange for releasing all the information. Pompeo’s problem was not with the content itself, which is proving authentic, but with who leaked the information to WikiLeaks.”

    Another parishioner at Saint Hillary of The Blessed Boilersuit.

  8. Pompeo will sooner get to the bottom of this issue than Comey and his 150 “Professional”, “Nonpartisan” FBI Hacks, I mean Investigators, who couldn’t find intent or motives to save their backside.

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