FBI raids offices of President Trump’s personal lawyer – IOTW Report

FBI raids offices of President Trump’s personal lawyer

New York (AFP) – Federal agents raided the New York offices of President Donald Trump’s longtime personal lawyer Michael Cohen on Monday, Cohen’s own attorney Stephen Ryan said.

Ryan said the action was taken in part on behalf of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating links between Russia and the Trump campaign.

“The decision by the US attorney’s office in New York to conduct their investigation using search warrants is completely inappropriate and unnecessary,” Ryan said.

“It resulted in the unnecessary seizure of protected attorney-client communications between a lawyer and his clients.”

h/t Bad Brad


A little more from the Daily Caller:

The search is not directly related to Mueller’s Russia probe, though the referral was likely made based on other information that had been provided to the special counsel, according to The Times.

Cohen, who is one of President Trump’s most dogged supporters, has turned over thousands of documents related to the Russia investigation. Mueller has dug into Cohen’s work on various Trump real estate deals.

“These government tactics are also wrong because Mr. Cohen has cooperated completely with all government entities, including providing thousands of non-privileged documents to the Congress and sitting for depositions under oath,” said Ryan.

52 Comments on FBI raids offices of President Trump’s personal lawyer

  1. Flak is always heaviest when you’re directly over the target – Horowitz is about to drop a MOAB on the Deep State–they’re desperate. My money says they WILL charge DJT with some lame-ass process crime or election law violation.



  2. The Fibbers sure had to buy alot of time! What is it now, going on 3 years?

    Just how fucking lazy is that bitch Hillary?! Hasn’t she finished ‘wiping’ her servers yet???

    Great optics wasting even more fed monies at the height of Tax Season!!

  3. Trumps lawyer, Michael Cohen, has a lawyer named Stephen Ryan. Who’s Ryans lawyer?….and then who’s that lawyers lawyer?……I think I’m happy not having any lawyers on my staff…..

  4. “This is about the Stormy Daniels shit? Give me a break. It’s he said she said at this point”

    Last time I checked two consulting adults bumping uglies is not against the law.

  5. Seems like one, last desperate attempt to get Trump to blink and fire Mueller. This way, the forthcoming heat is deflected from their year-long Witch Hunt and all the suspicion lands on Trump who is “obviously trying to hide something.” There’s nothing to the Russian Collusion investigation other than we now know it was all a setup by 0bama and Hillary, and some major bombs are about to drop.

  6. Can Congress tell Mueller to appear and bring with him everything he has, and if he does not have anything can Congress shut him down? If Congress had a Republican majority maybe they would do that, but, alas, such is not the case….

  7. If Pres. Trump had chosen a male for attorney general, none of this would be happening. Get a real attorney general not some Sothern pussy willow!

    Prosecute Mueller for his many misdeeds and BostonG!

  8. That the fuc is this shit know. Well I fallow Q so I know this fuc people are desperate. Nothing will happen to trump. This mother fuc bitch sold her ass for money to different man know she doesn’t money for Kotex so she is trying to make some money. Bitch will go down like the bitch that she is I ha a article about her lawyer. I will posted in a minute.

  9. If you attempt to discredit or call into question Mueller’s integrity (Uranium One, Clinton Foundation Corruption, Pay to Play) your attorney will be served a search warrant for your records and their office will be raided by the FBI (who’s lack of integrity is well documented).

    The deep state establishment fix is coming together.

    Cynical? Give me reason not to be.

  10. OK but how does raiding Cohen’s home, office, SUV, summer place, hunting cabin, that old suitcase in his mother’s attic, his sock drawer, Stormy’s sock drawer, Sessions’ sock drawer, behind the picture of Choen’s dog Rusty, in the old scrapbook, under the welcome mat, behind the gas filler door on his neighbor’s Lotus, and under BFH’s pillow going to stop climate change?

  11. OK, time to take the gloves off and go to war with everyone from the Obama administration and the deep state. I’ve had it with waiting for investigations and procedures and protocol. It’s time to play our cards! If we wait for the sun, moon and planets to all line up for us it will be up to historians 100 years from now to tell the story.

  12. The new mission statement is to destroy anyone and everyone associated with Donald Trump. Pretty disturbing event. The destroyers are getting really desperate after million$ spent and nothing criminal yet found.

  13. President Trump just nailed a Mueller and his ridiculous witch hunt. Fox News carried it.
    Meanwhile, my wife had on one of the alphabet news media where their lead story was the successful raid of the lawyer’s office as if it was perfectly fine.
    They have found no collusion, and even if they had, there is no such crime as collusion.

  14. O.k., if we are going to examine our politicians with a fine tooth comb and questionable search and seizure warrants, let’s go all out. Let’s examine the most corrupt administration in recent times – the Obama administration. Let’s drill down into the most corrupt political family in recent times – the Clintons. If we want to clean house, let’s quit pretending and go for it.

  15. “Freedom is not something to be secured in any one moment of time. We must struggle to preserve it every day. And freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” Ronald Reagan.
    We are in the middle of that generation, and losing.

  16. Sorry to say but you all are missing the big picture point of this whole raid. By his actions, Mueller and his minions have made it clear that aMUELLER WANTS TRUMPS TO FIRE HIM! This has been their endgame strategy since the collusion/obstruction scenario fell apart several weeks ago. Firing Mueller will create a crisis whereby the left can provoke an impeachment process. (hoping that I am wrong)

  17. Uncle Al,
    I don’t play a lawyer on TV and not a big fan of Holiday in but, I believe what you say is accurate. However they were after incriminating evidence on Cohen, not Trump. So as I understand it, anything they may discover incriminating Trump is now poisonous fruit. If someone knows better please jump in.
    But that’s what I’m reading.

    Washington Post headlines.

    Trump attorney Cohen is being investigated for possible bank fraud, campaign finance violations, according to a person familiar with the case.

  18. I wonder if coke-whore, resting bitch face Stormy Daniels (Atomic symbol Si) has filed her taxes last year and this year?

    Never mind, Obama water-carrying asswagons at the IRS ARE STILL EMPLOYED!

    AAAArrrgggghhh!!! 🙁

  19. Q runs good game. But i think he or she or even they are talking out their ass. If deep state can be brought down then just fucking do it. I have become a defeatist at this point. Too far gone now, Trump tried to no avail. I think he should give a big fuck you and exit stage left. Im done caring, ready for the downfall, taking up no kids so not my problem. Burn it motha fuckasm

  20. OK, figured it out – MrTrump was a little cash-strapped so he went to Putin and asked for a temporary loan to pay off a little problem he was having with a whore. Putin was glad to help, but the vig is making MrTrump nervous so he accuses Russia of gassing some innocent Syrians. The Dems found out about the Russian loan shark and tipped off the Mafia who aren’t happy about this. They put pressure on the Mueller guy, threatened to release the photos they have of him and another person (not his wife) doing things he wouldn’t want publicized, so he goes after MrTrump to appease the goons hiding in his cellar.
    Why am I the only one to see what’s going on here?
    /s/ lol.

  21. It took a lot of people to sign off on this. I’ve been saying for years it’s not the lousy politicians we elect that runs the country into the ground, it’s all those who lifetimers who have never been elected to anything. Swamp will never be drained until every single one of these people are fired.


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