FBI Raids Pro-Biden Union in Philadelphia – IOTW Report

FBI Raids Pro-Biden Union in Philadelphia

WFB: Federal authorities raided an electricians’ union headquarters in Philadelphia on Friday morning, which had a massive flag promoting Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden covering the front of the building.

The Local 98 electricians’ union—a chapter of the larger International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers—was searched by the FBI at 7 a.m. on Friday, according to Philadelphia news outlet Billy Penn. It remains unclear why the FBI raided the building, but the raid marks the second time that federal authorities searched the location since the union’s alleged corrupt activities came into view four years ago.

In 2019, the Justice Department indicted Local 98’s union boss John “Doc” Dougherty Jr. on corruption charges related to the embezzlement of funds for personal use. Dougherty and his union engaged in highly overt political activism, spending millions on campaign spending and contributions to political candidates. more here

10 Comments on FBI Raids Pro-Biden Union in Philadelphia

  1. Or, I AM TOSK, it’s the FBI pulling a Fauci and trying to appear even-handed and unbiased. But I suspect the media will portray it as “Trump’s FBI” going after political enemies.

    I hate these Federal scum. They won’t indict special people during an election because it might look politically-motivated, but they’ll make big, showy raids like this, instead of doing it last Summer or in December.

  2. While they’re at it they should audit the Union’s pension fund.
    One of the greater sources of corruption is Union pensions – both parties can avail themselves (though it’s largely Demonrats) and the thefts are disguised as unfortunate and inadvertent investment “losses.” This is the main reason Unions and Demonrats are nationalizing their pension debts – they’ve already split the swag between them and need a sop to the members who’ll be left out in the cold.

    But, of course, the FBI will be too busy sniffing out freon and smuggled Cuban cigars to actually do any crime-fighting.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “It remains unclear why the FBI raided the building,”

    …just hiding evidence, nothing to see here, move along, we’ll tell you about some more Trump-Russia collusion in due time, right after we make some…

  4. Pelosi is right now livid with rage because President Trump refuses to bail out bankrupt/almost bankrupt union and blue state pension funds. Then this. How’s that for perfect timing?


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