FBI released files from Kennedy-era investigation into Nancy Pelosi’s father – IOTW Report

FBI released files from Kennedy-era investigation into Nancy Pelosi’s father

Just The News:

While Washington, D.C. was riveted Jan. 6 on events at the U.S. Capitol, the FBI quietly released a trove of files from an “urgent” — yet seemingly controlled — investigation 60 years ago into Nancy Pelosi’s father.

The files reveal the results of an intense two-month investigation into Thomas D’Alesandro, Jr., a Maryland politician who served in a long career as a member of Congress and mayor of Baltimore.

John F. Kennedy’s White House ordered the investigation after JFK planned to appoint D’Alesandro to a government post. A routine FBI name check revealed “allegations” against D’Alessandro, according to a Feb. 6, 1961 teletype from “FBI Director.” The director at the time was J. Edgar Hoover.

The “urgent” teletype seemed to signal the goal of ensuring that D’Alesandro would be appointed to a government watchdog board that reviewed defense contracts.  read more

17 Comments on FBI released files from Kennedy-era investigation into Nancy Pelosi’s father

  1. The rotten apple doesn’t fall very far from the corrupt tree.

    If they are releasing this now does it mean that the long knives are out for San Fran Nan? Has she outlived her usefullness as a Commie traitor?

  2. I think she has plans to bump Superspreader Harris and bide aside and step into the presidency. Considering the FBI is totally corrupt, this looks like an inter-left battle: isde facto president susan rice trying to cut pelosi off?

  3. In the 60’s while dating his daughter, my future father-in-law (a working man) was heavily into local Democrat politics and knew about her father’s dirt. He told me why, listing several nasties I barely remember but he sure hated him like fury.


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