FBI ‘Reopens’ Case Into Lynch-Clinton Tarmac Meeting – IOTW Report

FBI ‘Reopens’ Case Into Lynch-Clinton Tarmac Meeting

Daily Caller:

The FBI has “reopened” a request for documents related to former President Bill Clinton’s 2016 tarmac meeting with former Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) President Jay Sekulow told Fox News that the FBI sent him a letter indicating officials reopened his Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) request, after initially denying the existence of records related to the Clinton-Lynch meeting.

The meeting between Bill Clinton and Lynch, which occurred at the Phoenix airport June 27, 2016, drew scrutiny as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was being investigated at the time for improperly handling classified information.

“While we appreciate that the FBI has ‘reopened’ the case file and is now ‘searching’ for documents responsive to our duly submitted FOIA request from more than a year ago, it stretches the bounds of credulity to suggest that the FBI bureaucracy just discovered that ‘potentially responsive’ records ‘may exist’ on its own accord,” Sekulow, who is also a member of President Donald Trump’s legal team, said in a written statement.


16 Comments on FBI ‘Reopens’ Case Into Lynch-Clinton Tarmac Meeting

  1. The FBI under Comey ad no integrity and conducted themselves in a partisan fashion.
    I am less enthused about the Lynch Clinton meeting than I am about:
    1. Hillary’s obstruction of justice, destroying evidence and her total disregard of the law while handling and misusing National Security Documents,
    2. her pay to play schemes with the Clinton Foundation,
    3. Hillary’s lies, obstruction of justice, betrayal and incompetence she displayed causing the murder of 4 US government employees at Benghazi.

    Proving collusion between Obama, Hillary, Comey, Lynch and Bill Clinton still doesn’t prove the criminality of Hillary’s National Security Breach, Pay to Play Foundation or the botched distribution of weapons and ammunition fiasco and the obstruction, lies and deception she created before, during and after the murders in Benghazi.

    When will Justice be served? Or will it ever?

  2. @cato,
    post a chocolate jesus preznit of obviously fraudulent identity and obstructed credentials,
    none of us have any ‘standing’ to question or challenge what they do.

    (channeling Allen Iverson: “Justice? You talking ’bout justice!”)

  3. If only Trump had an Attorney General, we would daily be reading fresh disclosures about the Obama-Clinton cartel arrests and prosecutions.

    Lock. Them. Up.
    They will all squeal like Songbird McCain once the cuffs go on and that cell door clangs.

  4. a chance meeting on the tarmac from which all reporters and security were kept away, produced records that the fbi is hiding ?

    if it was all so innocent why would the fbi hide “records” and why would “records” be produced ?

  5. It’s so tiring. I even hesitated to post this story because all everybody wants to do is sit up there and ‘Gowdyfy’ an investigation, and then a squirrel runs across the yard and they get distracted.
    LOL. I won’t believe anything is happening until I see Huma and Hillary getting out from their cars, crying real tears as they’re walking to testify.

  6. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…


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