FBI Reviews Request to Investigate Planned Parenthood – IOTW Report

FBI Reviews Request to Investigate Planned Parenthood

OAN Newsroom

Two congressional teams are urging the FBI to look into the abortion practices of Planned Parenthood.

One America’s Chloe Salsameda has more on the looming investigation.

9 Comments on FBI Reviews Request to Investigate Planned Parenthood

  1. Bad_Brad, are you allowed to sale any product to a person outside of your state lines?

    Now suppose that person has a PO box, and also a FPO/AP address?

    Just asking, tell Sir Fur to give me your email address.

  2. reboot

    At this point in time I can only sell receivers out of state. If I built even a bullet button gun I would be prosecuted because in California it is now considered an assault weapon. We have applied for an assault weapons permit several times with CalDoj and have been turned down. Even with a military requested sale.

  3. Abortion is a deeply troubling issue with strident views on both sides. But what is clear and should be no question about is the fact that PP and its senior staff are EVIL SCUM.

  4. I feel so much better knowing that the professional, non-partisan, stellar DOJ & FBI “might” perform an investigation of the ghoulish murder and dismemberment of babies for profit.

    Especially since the funding by government makes them, and us all, complicit in the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent lives.

    The majority of people targeted and prosecuted, thus far, have been pro-life demonstrators who gathered and prayed on government owned right-of-way property in front of abortion murder mills.

    The DOJ and the FBI are unworthy of the respect they once earned. They squandered their reputation and standing at the direction of dishonorable, political, progressive/socialist government officials.

    Under Obama, The DOJ and FBI have become government/political pawns in the name of political correctness and progressive ideology. Equality under the law, what they investigate and prosecute was no longer the DOJ or FBI’s priority or decision.

    I had hoped Sessions and his trusted aids would have eliminated the political appointees in upper and mid-management by this time. I’m still hoping to see the culture change and real investigations and enforcement of Laws equally. I am getting impatient.

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