FBI searched University of Delaware for classified documents: Report – IOTW Report

FBI searched University of Delaware for classified documents: Report


The FBI has twice searched the University of Delaware in connection with the federal investigation into President Joe Biden’s handling of classified materials, a “source familiar with the investigation” told CNN.

Both searches occurred in recent weeks with the cooperation of the Biden legal team, the outlet reported. None of the retrieved materials appear to have been marked classified, the source said.

Federal agents examined separate materials on separate days. The first batch of documents was an archive of documents from Biden’s tenure as a Delaware senator while the second contained more recent materials.

The exact nature of the materials the federal agents recovered remains unclear.

5 Comments on FBI searched University of Delaware for classified documents: Report

  1. What no armed late night raid with 100 man automatic weapon armed, hooded swat team ex-seals, repelling from Bell AH-1 Huey Cobras, beating people wearing their jamies senseless and dragged around in front of 14 MSM cameras for nightly news programs?? Third world J6 Democrat style?

  2. The GESTAPO is covering for the filthy Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey, who they help establish in his usurped position – and shield him from prosecution for his crimes, treasons, misdemeanors, perversions, and lies.

    If they said “Good Morning” I’d go to bed.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The only thing the FBI was “searching for” is justification. It’s time to defund this charade and national embarrassment. Sean Hannity is full of shit, the only ones not involved or aware and keeping it covered up what has been going on within the FBI are the ones who have come forward. Using the FBI to advance the interests of The Party to the detriment of the American people is so ubiquitous that even the janitorial staff knows the score.


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