FBI seized Mike Lindell’s phone at Minnesota Hardees – IOTW Report

FBI seized Mike Lindell’s phone at Minnesota Hardees

“I can’t even imagine that you can take someone’s phone because they want me to be a witness in the Tina Peters case. But I’m not a witness, they just want my phone.” watch

19 Comments on FBI seized Mike Lindell’s phone at Minnesota Hardees

  1. As much as I like and admire Mike’s courage and patriotism, I don’t quite buy running his businesses on a phone and not owning a computer. A smartphone is an extension of your computer. The phone needs to be backed up to a computer and/or cloud lserver.. the businesses need computers to handle orders, payroll, etc.

  2. You White House guys got some of those pedo videos from The Big Guy’s collection, right? You know, the really nasty ones with the bondage and todder rapes? Good. Now, pick me out a couple of the shorter ones, great, and I’ll download them to Lindell’s phone and…there we GO! Call a press conference about the child porn we’re turning ovet to the AG for full prosecution of Mike Lindell, right after the 3 AM raid, if someone from CNN is available tonight.

  3. You may not like Bush; but I think you must adit he knew what he ws doing 21 years ago when he put Mueller in charge!

    Hanity has his head up his ass. Mueller purged the “decent” agents; there are none

  4. Per “The FBI” 12:20pm
    Yeah…..if any electronic device is out of your sight/control for even ONE SECOND, DO NOT take it back. Consider it contaminated with virsuses (virii?), trojans, worms, backdoors, remote access, kiddy porn, et al.
    Buy a new device and start over; programs, emails, documents, whatever. No FiBbIe entrapment.
    I remember Mike Vanderboegh telling a similar story. Going through an airport, laptop seized for inspection. Was out of his sight for a period of time. He left it there & bought another laptop & started over.
    Also shows the importance of backing up to an external HDD on a regular basis “just in case”.

  5. Second lesson learned: have your main phone + a secondary burner phone that you’ve used just enough to take a couple of pics, made a couple of unimportant calls, stored some throw-away data & phone numbers…….
    When the FiBbIes want your “cell phone”, hand them the burner, then walk away.
    And after they’ve seized the first burner, buy a second burner. Lather, rinse, repeat.

  6. From the B-Bee. They nailed it. Here is a snippet of how they reported it.

    ST. PAUL, MN — Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow, had his cell phone seized by the FBI this week. The FBI is pursuing subpoenas on additional data and documents from the “My Pillow Guy,” but has been unable to breach his MyPillow fort thus far.

    “We are besieging Mr. Lindell, but we had not accounted for the patented interlocking foam filling being so difficult to penetrate,” said Special Agent Bob Janzen to reporters outside the MyPillow guy’s fort on Wednesday. “This fortress of mattress toppers, Giza Dreams™ bed sheets, and pillows have formed an impenetrable barrier we have been unable to breach.”

    So far Lindell has held off the armed agents with one-time FREE gift popup ads, followed by a round of invitations to join the MyPillow mailing list. Sources say Mr. Lindell is pacing inside the fort wearing night vision goggles and preparing his arsenal for a MyPillow fight. “He’s even wearing armor made from a MyPillow bathrobe over MyPillow formal pajamas and MyPillow slippers, all textured for maximum comfort,” said Janzen. “This won’t be easy.”


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