FBI Statistics: At Least 4 Times More People Were Killed With Knives Than “Assault Rifles” Last Year – IOTW Report

FBI Statistics: At Least 4 Times More People Were Killed With Knives Than “Assault Rifles” Last Year


In recent years liberals have been wise enough to shift their gun control focus specifically to so-called “assault weapons,” rather than all guns.

It’s no mystery why they’ve shifted that focus; banning all guns (and handguns in particular) is wildly unpopular, so they’ve instead decided to focus on the type of firearms that tend to look the “scariest” to some people. In particular, “assault rifles” like the AR-15 have been a scapegoat of the left, due to how frequently they’re the weapon of choice in highly publicized mass public shootings (though the majority of mass shootings are committed with handguns when you count gang shootings as mass shootings).

The FBI’s 2019 crime statistics are now out, and just like all their past reports, they debunk the notion that “assault weapons” pose a unique threat relative to other types of firearms – or even other commonly used murder weapons.


17 Comments on FBI Statistics: At Least 4 Times More People Were Killed With Knives Than “Assault Rifles” Last Year

  1. …Prior to the American Revoluion, the British Government required colonists to break the points off their table knives to make them harder to use as weapons.

    …don’t give them any ideas…

  2. …and also, it’s VERY possible to win a gunfight with a knife, IF the gunman hasn’t drawn yet, hesitates to draw, or isn’t carrying with one in the chamber, as there’s a number of actions he has to make AFTER making the decision to fire, while a knife is cocked and ready at all times and is WAY easier to aim in close quarters…

  3. They’ll be terrified once the 21 foot rule gets more attention. That’s the distance a knife wielding attacker can close in to strike before you can draw and fire. It’s got lots of precedent too.


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