FBI suffers fresh bias episode, retracts intel memo portraying Catholics as extremist threats – IOTW Report

FBI suffers fresh bias episode, retracts intel memo portraying Catholics as extremist threats


The FBI on Thursday retracted an intelligence product from its Richmond field office that suggested some Roman Catholics be viewed as radical extremist threats and urged agents to infiltrate certain groups from the world’s largest Christian faith.

The episode is the latest to sully the FBI’s reputation, raising fresh concerns about political bias and civil liberties. It came a little over a year after an earlier bungled effort sought to treat parents protesting at school board meetings as domestic terrorism threats.

In a statement to Just the News, the FBI said the product made public by a former FBI agent and whistleblower, Kyle Seraphin, was circulated only inside the bureau and did not meet the agency’s investigative requirements,

“While our standard practice is to not comment on specific intelligence products, this particular field office product — disseminated only within the FBI — regarding racially or ethnically motivated violent extremism does not meet the exacting standards of  the FBI,” the bureau said. MORE

28 Comments on FBI suffers fresh bias episode, retracts intel memo portraying Catholics as extremist threats

  1. FBI can “retract” all they want but it won’t change the way they operate one bit. Their true intent has been shown. If you are a Christian, if you are a parent, if you are a conservative, if you are a patriotic American… be very wary.

  2. Virginia does not understand Catholics… I know of more than one parish that installed a steeple in order to convince the local Protestants that it was a real church.

    But my favorite episode was when a student at UVa (Charlottesville, home of the uberwoke) called police to report KKK members on campus. Turns out, it was a couple of the Dominican friars who serve the local parish and run the campus ministry. Cut and paste and remove spaces to check out their scary garb here:

    stauva.org /people /rev-david-mott-op

    Is that an assault rosary he’s holding?

  3. They aren’t sincere. Not one damn bit sincere. If they were they would be investigating those who recognize the despicable Marxist infiltrator Bergoglio as in any way legitimate.

  4. yeah, well, separation of church and state
    oh, that’s right- that’s in the first amendment
    “The memo appears to have derived some of its intelligence concerns from information from the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center, citing the group’s list entitled “Radical Traditional Catholicism Hate Groups.”
    so, the fbi, being legally unable to surveil religious institutions, had splc do it for them.
    china determines the dogma of the catholic church, too

  5. “urged agents to infiltrate certain groups from the world’s largest Christian faith.”

    Interesting twist here: I wonder if they ‘retracted’ this due to the possibility that their FBI spies would actually be exposed to the saving grace of Jesus.

    How horrid would that be if the FBI spies become whistleblowers identifying the evil leadership and exposing them to the general public?

    Ok, miracles still do happen, ya know!

  6. Yeah. All those crazy Catholics were burning down the cities during 2019 and 2020. Also, all those times they strapped suicide vests and blew up all those buildings in the name of God.

  7. Pro tips:

    If you happen to spot Ray Epps sitting in the pew, he ain’t there to worship God.

    If a bunch of assclowns in matching blue polo shirts and khakis are sitting in the pew wearing sun glasses, they have absolutely no legitimate business being there.

  8. Two years after the fact the FBI can trace down an America loving patriot who wrote FJB on a dollar bill but the FBI can’t find the person on the executive staff who declared war on Catholics?

  9. Didn’t Henry VIII have his boys rough up the Catholic Church when it wouldn’t bend to his will?

    HE just wanted a divorce.

    NOW they want pedophilia, poligamy, bestiality, all manner of uncleanness sanctified, or you’re a White Supremacist hater.

    Oh, and you can pitch the Ten Commandments while you’re at it. They are not inclusive and no longer suit the will of the people or the purposes of the State, which makes them radical and dangerous.

    Seems like the people expressed their will was against them when the 10 Commandments were first handed down too, and built back better with a Golden Calf instead.

    …how’d that work out for them, anyway?

  10. …the “Latinix” crowd probably hates root Latin for using the masculine to describe any group of people that isn’t exclusively female, and for other nonwoke gender sins.

    Plus the history of the Church and much of the Western world is in Latin, so stomping out people who dare to understand it is just another piece in erasing the history of the West…

  11. they should have to issue a very public statement affirming and individual’s right to worship God according to the dictates of their own hearts.

    they want a level of control that I will simply not dolerate

  12. Funny, ain’t it?
    The Nazis went after the churches – Catholic, Protestant, Lutheran, Seventh Day Adventists (I assume they’re Christian) – well, all the Christian faiths – and tried to bring them in under a Reichskirche run by Hitler’s chosen stooge Ludwig Müller.

    The USSR established the “League of the Militant Godless” to take over churches for State usage – as well as to intimidate, beat, and kill priests and church faithful.

    And now the vaunted FBI has adopted similar views!

    Hmmmmmmmmm …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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