FBI Tries to Kick Out Senator Josh Hawley at Assassination Attempt Site Despite Having Local Security Operator’s Permission – IOTW Report

FBI Tries to Kick Out Senator Josh Hawley at Assassination Attempt Site Despite Having Local Security Operator’s Permission

GP: During an explosive interview with Sean Hannity, Missouri Senator Josh Hawley revealed shocking information about the recent assassination attempt on President Trump.

Allegations of incompetence, lack of coordination, and a gross disregard for security protocols have been leveled against the Secret Service and other federal agencies involved in protecting the President. more

17 Comments on FBI Tries to Kick Out Senator Josh Hawley at Assassination Attempt Site Despite Having Local Security Operator’s Permission

  1. What is this fresh nonsense, fake, limited hangout about a volunteer, amateur sniper shooting at Crooks? Have the plotters been caught dead to rights about the existence of a second shooter, and are they desperately trying to cram this ridiculous explanation down our throats? Or is this just anothe contrived “conspiracy theory” to discredit legitimate accusations.

  2. Control the site, Control the narrative and run interference for the DHS Secretary, Secret Services Director, and agents on the ground.

    No, I do not anticipate an honest, non-partisan, thorough investigation by the FBI.

    All agencies are in Cover Your Ass mode to protect a mentally deficient, corrupt and incompetent Biden.

  3. The Deep State wanted his brains blown out on live, global feed. They were going for a global psychological terroristic trauma on par with 9/11 and the lockdowns. The fact that Lee Harvey Asperger missed in a “miraculous” fluke should not take away from the evil revealed.


    The part of this essay by Ann Barnhardt that I have any issue with is that if God only chose from perfect men to lead us…. we would waiting a long time.

  4. A wise man once said:
    If it was incompetence, those responsible would resign.
    If it was an inside job, those responsible will remain in place (so they can try again) while sweeping the cat shit under the rug in a lame attempt not to let the cat out of the bag!
    Nothing to see here, move it on down the road!

  5. JDHasty SUNDAY, 21 JULY 2024, 11:22 AT 11:22 AM

    The big sites have the story, but are leaving out what is vital to full comprehension of how they thought they could get away with this. Had their plot worked and Donald Trump’s brains were spattered all over the guys behind him… the country would be in utter chaos and nobody would be looking at this financial move in any detail, and if they had it would be buried in all of the other shit going on. There would be way too much else going on to focus on it.

    As Rush always said: Follow the money. Yup, see who and then work back from it. Progressivism is a materialist philosophy, the leaders are obsessed with money.

  6. Its 1963 all over again. And if you think that the same folks who pulled that one off have gone away, you are delusional. They have been in charge and in control ever since.

  7. I’ve seen this story multiple places and they all point to an X post video from Sen. Hawley, and his appearance with Hannity. What I’ve been trying to find out is just who Hawley’s referring to when he says he had “permission from the local security operator”. Who/what the hell is this local security operator, and why isn’t that operator operating? This may well be without importance, but it bugs me when there’s zero information about one of the significant points in a news story. Hawley had permission? Find. WHO GAVE HIM THAT PERMISSION?


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