FBI Turned Off Security Cameras During Mar-a-Lago Raid – Legal Experts Weigh In – IOTW Report

FBI Turned Off Security Cameras During Mar-a-Lago Raid – Legal Experts Weigh In

The Biden Justice Department raided their boss’s political enemy. They turned off the security cameras. Then they concocted evidence. That they immediately released to turn public opinion against Trump. And even filed with the court. This is a big problem for Jay Bratt.

GP: Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team filed a response to President Trump’s motion to dismiss the classified documents case based on spoliation of evidence seized by agents during the 2022 raid of Mar-a-Lago. more

16 Comments on FBI Turned Off Security Cameras During Mar-a-Lago Raid – Legal Experts Weigh In

  1. Turning off security cameras at any location being searched by any law “enforcement” agency should render all evidence collected during the search inadmissible.

  2. Sounds like they were setting up the same kind of situation — and probably hoping for the same kind of outcome — as they did with the guy who ran the airport in Arkansas. (For those who don’t know, they also disabled the home’s security cameras and ended up shooting the poor bastard in the head moments after the raid started, killing him.) I agree with OldCoot: cameras (dashcam, bodycam, home/office surveillance, etc.) are there for a reason. Law enforcement screwing with those should be a crime, and at the very least, automatically invalidate the results of any investigation.

  3. Funny, but similarly to today’s FBI and DoJ, the GESTAPO and SS could only be investigated and prosecuted by (Surprise !!!!) the GESTAPO and SS!

    The House and Senate are too busy stuffing their bank accounts to GAF about the treasonous shenanigans of the alphabet agencies and the concomitant destruction of America.
    And when we fall, Civilization is doomed and the West will descend into barbarity.
    Life will (once more) become “… solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The FBI, DOJ, CIA, IRS, DHS and ATF are thoroughly weaponized NAZI agencies. There is no difference between them and the Gestapo and SS. They all need to be defunded and drained.

  5. @Irate Nate:

    Safety concerns? I’m gonna have to call bullshit here.

    Totally agree. When the Feebs or any other costumed enforcers run out the claim, “It’s for officer/agent safety,” for once I’d like to hear someone ask just what horrible peril they’re worried about.

  6. It’s a rare person who can handle the power of being a cop without morphing into a bully and an ass. I once had a flight examiner tell me that by laminating my FAA medical certificate and airplane registration that I had violated federal law and could be jailed for up to ten years of altering a federal document.

    The next day, I showed him two FAA circulated orders that not only said it was okay to laminate critical pilot/aircraft documents (provided they were sign first) but actually encouraged it to save the FAA the cost of replacing damaged paper documents.

    He just shoved the orders back and said it didn’t matter; the FAA was wrong, and the federal marshals would know better. He was just a power crazed ass who liked establishing dominance in all situations by reminding the perfectly normal person he was talking to that he could wreck their life over any bullshit he decided to pull out of his ass.

    No wonder so many cops are lonely and depressed. No one wants to be around people with this “indict a ham sandwich” mentality. Fuck them. The law wasn’t invented for them to stroke a power boner every time they feel inadequate of being a stupid fat fuck.

  7. TheMule
    WEDNESDAY, 26 JUNE 2024, 11:43 AT 11:43 AM

    So how did it end? Did the guy back down? In my experiece with Federal regulators, they rarely do without first puffing themselves up some more.


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