FBI Vault Release – FBI Requested Data Forensics on Huma Abedin/Clinton Laptop AFTER the 2016 Election, Not Before – IOTW Report

FBI Vault Release – FBI Requested Data Forensics on Huma Abedin/Clinton Laptop AFTER the 2016 Election, Not Before

CTH: A new release from the FBI Vault on the Hillary Clinton email investigation reveals the Anthony Weiner/Huma Abedin laptop containing Clinton emails (350,000) and Blackberry communications (344,000) was never reviewed for intrusion prior to the 2016 election.

Here’s how we discover. However, first, the frustrating context:

From the Boston Marathon bombing investigation through the San Bernardino terrorist attack; passing the Garland, Texas cartoon terror shooting; and continuing through Orlando’s Pulse Nightclub; and then through the Parkland shooting and into Las Vegas -via the Mandalay Bay- we always knew something was wrong with the apparatus, the institutional apparatus, of the FBI… but it wasn’t until 2017 with James Comey, Andrew McCabe and the transparently corrupt Clinton exoneration and candidate Trump set-up scheme that we fully grasped the scale and scope of the corruption.

It is disconcerting to accept that the institution of the FBI is corrupt, soup-to-nuts, including every aforementioned field office and participant therein.  But reality doesn’t care about feelings; it just stares you in the face until we accept it.

Talking heads always approach the issue with a co-dependent and enabling qualifier: “we’re not talking about the field agents”, they say.  Um, no; that’s nonsense.  If the institution is corrupt, then every entity within it is corrupt – until such time as the corruption is removed.

Enter FBI Director Christopher Wray…

FBI Director Wray seems like an affable person who is, by all reasonable evaluations, entirely way-over-his-head in dealing with the systemic rot, cancer and corruption.

Sound harsh?  Go back and WATCH the post IG report (Clinton email investigation) press conference; it’s not harsh.   It takes a particular kind of corruption manager to stand in front of a national audience and tell the world there was no bias in the Clinton email investigation… yet, he’s going to put every employee of the FBI through “bias training”?

Yeah, un huh.

No bias… but everyone needs bias training.  Gotcha.  more here

6 Comments on FBI Vault Release – FBI Requested Data Forensics on Huma Abedin/Clinton Laptop AFTER the 2016 Election, Not Before

  1. And we’ll never know about the Las Vegas massacre and the dancing FBI stud who shot somebody is back on the job, pistol in hand.

    I’m sorry. The last 2 years have exposed a government so out of control batshitcrazy that they are never to be believed again.

  2. didn’t the NYC Office already do a cursory exam of the Weiner/Abadaba hard drive? (no pun intended) & the only reason the FBI decided to ‘exam’ it was pressure from NYC FBI? … & NYC FBI has made a copy (copies?) of the drive already? (apologies: trying to work from memory)

    this does implicate Strok …. bigly

  3. When is there going to be enough evidence in hand to start filing some charges against these TRAITOROUS BASTARDS? Seems to me somebody must be guilty of something.

  4. I believe its time for all US Gov Security Divs. to be re orged

    so, it appears the country and it’s citizens are self sustaining and honorable,
    Our Gov and it’s sub divs and orgs are infected by a cancer of corruption that needs to be cut out by the roots and re created in a different light. one of truth and not lies.


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