‘FBI violated American citizens’ 4A rights 278,000 times’: Bureau blasted over attempt to put gloss on Section 702 – IOTW Report

‘FBI violated American citizens’ 4A rights 278,000 times’: Bureau blasted over attempt to put gloss on Section 702

The FBI is attempting to rehabilitate the public image of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act as Congress has until April 19 to reauthorize it. The bureau recently posted a video to X that features FBI Director Christopher Wray attempting to put a gloss on Section 702 as part of this monthslong campaign.

The bureau’s timely propaganda did not escape the attention of critics on X, where the post received a community note that read, “The FBI violated American citizens’ 4A rights 278,000 times with illegal, unauthorized FISA 702 searches.”

Among the critics was Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), who wrote, “FBI just got called out in a community note on X. Congress — take note. FISA 702 has been used for warrantless surveillance of U.S. citizens HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of times. Yet FBI demands 702 be reauthorized by April 19 WITHOUT a warrant requirement for searches of U.S. citizens.”

“Many in Congress will want to reauthorize FISA 702 — which is set to expire April 19th — either without modification or (more likely) with fake reforms that fail to impose a warrant requirement for searches directed at Americans,” added the senator. more

19 Comments on ‘FBI violated American citizens’ 4A rights 278,000 times’: Bureau blasted over attempt to put gloss on Section 702

  1. Year ago, when Asset Forfeiture laws were first implemented, I was a proponent, bad guys getting separated from their ill gotten gains seemed reasonable. The problem is that the government can not be trusted to do the right thing. They abused the law and perverted it to the detriment of innocent folks who got in the way of rapacious bureaucrats.

    Ditto with the Patriot Act and their FISA arm; in the hands of honest law abiding practitioners, it seemed reasonable at the time. But like Congress spending other people’s money, they lack restraint and a clear sense of duty.

    They have abused the privilege, so no soup for you.

  2. Any, and I mean ANY violation of the civil rights of ANY American CITIZEN, should open each and every responsible party up to personal liability. It should also be against the law for ANY government agency to defend them or fund their defense in any way. Pull that shit and you are on your own.

    These FBI, CIA, DOJ etc staffers are presumed to have enough knowledge of the US Constitution to be fully conscious that what they are doing is violating citizens rights but just don’t give a shit. Make them personally responsible and what we will see is a paradigm shift in how they operate.

    As for the ones giving unlawful orders… hang the sonsabitches.

  3. What else would you expect from the demonic government pawns. They are going to take away every item in the Bill of Rights in order to fulfill the Biden Demoncratic Agenda. I have to udder the most demonic agenda in the history of the US

  4. The FBI and CIA are in full-treason mode.
    Wholly owned and operated by Globaloney, Inc.
    Regardless of the “legal” restraints by Congress they will continue to violate the Constitution and the Rights of All Americans.

    The Congress has continued to fail in all things “FISA” – the “judge” who signed off on Stztrzockkk’s lies has yet to be reprimanded, much less impeached, and Stztrzockkk, et. al. are still free and making mischief.

    FISA was bad “law” from the beginning.

    The foxes, wolves, coyotes, and hyenas are guarding the hen-house.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. 278,000 illegal searches. Very bad. A letter of reprimand will be placed in Wray’s permanent personnel file for 6 months.

    Then reauthorize FISA with no changes.

  6. If they show up at your, do not let them in, do not engage.
    Call local pd and sheriff and a lawyer if you can.
    Do not invite any law enforcement in. Without a warrant they don’t cross the threshold.

  7. Rich Taylor

    “Year ago, when Asset Forfeiture laws were first implemented, I was a proponent…”
    “Ditto with the Patriot Act and their FISA arm…”

  8. Wild Bill
    “Call the local sheriff and tell them you believe someone is masquerading as a federal agent and trying to force their way into your home.”

    My county sheriff posted a message to every citizen in my county to NEVER let anyone from the government in our houses. We are to keep the doors locked, tell them we need a minute, pick up the phone and call their office. I have them on speed dial and their office is just 2.5 miles from my house. I’ll let everyone know if (when) that happens!

  9. Beachmom TUESDAY, 2 APRIL 2024, 6:47 AT 6:47 AM
    EVERYONE listen to Beachmom – You DO NOT have to talk to them, You DO NOT have to open the door, you NEVER open the door unless they have a Warrant.
    The minute they cross the threshold you loose ALL your rights

  10. “The minute they cross the threshold you loose (sic) ALL your rights.”

    You lost your “rights” when we allowed them to do this shit. When Congress bent us over and spread our ass-cheeks for them. When the SCROTUS became complicit with them.

    First off, if you can lose them, they’re not “rights.”
    Whatever they were (protections, perhaps?); they’re gone – ask the J6 victims.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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