FBI warrant for Trump search relied on media reports, like earlier bungled Russia FISA warrants – IOTW Report

FBI warrant for Trump search relied on media reports, like earlier bungled Russia FISA warrants


Donald Trump’s Florida estate relied on multiple news media reports from outlets such as Breitbart and CBS to justify its unprecedented request to raid a former president’s home. 

For instance, the bureau relied on a local CBS report to establish that Trump had moved boxes suspected to contain documents from the White House to Mar-a-Lago in mid-January 2021, just before he left office, according to the partially redacted FBI affidavit made public by a court Friday.

“According to a CBS Miami article titled ‘Moving Tucks Spotted At Mar-a-Lago,’ published Monday, January 18, 2021, at least two moving trucks were observed at the PREMISES on January 18, 2021,” the memo related.

Another citation referred to a Breitbart article from May in which former Trump adviser Kash Patel was quoted as saying he did not believe documents found at Mar-a-Lago and returned to the National Archives and Records Administration were classified. The citation refers to Trump as “FPOTUS,” meaning former president.

“I am aware of an article published in Breitbart on May 5, 2022, available at https://www.breitbart.comvoliticsi2022i05/05/documents-mar-a-lago-marked-classified-wereah-eadv-declassifi.ed-kash-patel-savs/, which states that Kash Patel, who is described as a former top FPOTUS administration official, characterized as ‘misleading’ reports in other news organizations that NARA had followed classified materials among records that FPOTUS provided to NARA from Mar-a-Lago. Patel alleged that such reports were misleading because FPOTUS had declassified the materials at issue,” an FBI agent wrote in the affidavit supporting the search. more here


Retired FBI boss disassembles Trump search warrant: Feds ‘going to regret this’

7 Comments on FBI warrant for Trump search relied on media reports, like earlier bungled Russia FISA warrants

  1. If it’s anything like Russiagate, first the FBI feeds a narrative to the press then after the media reports it they use it for their search warrants, thus completing the circle.

  2. The whole story is that the warrant affidavit was based on media reports PLANTED by the very FBI and DoJ personnel applying for the warrant. We live in a bullshit country now run by total cunts.

  3. “The Feds aint too smart, are they?” ~ stirrin

    the feds don’t have to be. you wouldn’t believe the amount of people that fall for their bullcrap … every time! I keep hearing, “well, if he took classified documents then he should go to jail!” … & no amount of logic or facts will dissuade them … “I heard it on the tv, so it must be true!”

  4. Mafs be harderer.

    What’s the downside? Even of being “caught”? The proudly corrupt judiciary will make you file the paperwork betterer? (Hey, FISC! How’s you bin?)

    You’ll have to “retire”? With full pension? (Or the corrupt judiciary will “give” you “back” “your” “stolen” pension.) So you can go to “work” for an “N”GO?

    Nobody stops. Because there’s always less than nothing to lose.

  5. The “raid” constituted searching for any and all docs and evidence which exposed Doj/fBi/democrat party criminal actvities including that of Joe Biden, son, and racketeering family. Included in that are evidence of the RussiaHoax, and of which DoJ IS the ACTUAL RussiaHoax.

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