FBI Whistleblower Leaks Document Showing Targeting of ‘Misinformation’ Under ‘Election Crimes’ – IOTW Report

FBI Whistleblower Leaks Document Showing Targeting of ‘Misinformation’ Under ‘Election Crimes’

Project Veritas:
The document details how the Bureau will tackle what they consider to be “election crimes.”

It lists “misinformation” as a potential election crime, describing it as “false or misleading information spread mistakenly or unintentionally.”

The document also lists “disinformation” as a potential election crime, describing it as “false or inaccurate information intended to mislead others.”

It continues, “Disinformation campaigns on social media are used to deliberately confuse, trick, or upset the public.” more

8 Comments on FBI Whistleblower Leaks Document Showing Targeting of ‘Misinformation’ Under ‘Election Crimes’

  1. First amendment? Hahahaha. So even “unintentional” or “mistakenly” posted “misinformation” is a crime? Who gets to decide what constitutes “misinformation”? Meanwhile, ACTUAL election crimes are ignored, while pointing out these crimes now fall under the definition of “misinformation “. 1984 predictions were 28 years early.

  2. Good idea! Just think about all the trouble this saves us. We don’t need to expend the effort to elect representatives to think up new crimes and vote on them. The deep state will just write up a directive and declare what crime is to be from now on. What could go wrong?

    I like it. Just tell me what to think.


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