FBI whistleblowers: Hundreds of agents have resigned to escape sexual misconduct allegations – IOTW Report

FBI whistleblowers: Hundreds of agents have resigned to escape sexual misconduct allegations


A top Republican senator revealed whistleblower allegations and internal Justice Department records showing that, in an effort to avoid being held accountable, hundreds of employees at the FBI either resigned or retired from the bureau after being accused of sexual misconduct.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) made his findings public in a Thursday letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray, stating that the allegations and records “paint a disgraceful picture of abuse that women within the FBI have had to live with” for years.

“Lawful, protected whistleblower disclosures provided to my office include allegations and records that show hundreds of FBI employees have retired or resigned because of sexual misconduct allegations against them and that they did so in order to avoid accountability,” Grassley said. “This abuse and misconduct is outrageous and beyond unacceptable.” more

9 Comments on FBI whistleblowers: Hundreds of agents have resigned to escape sexual misconduct allegations

  1. “Sen. Chuck Grassley”

    With power of the purse, Chuckie’s cutting off their pensions, and using the unlimited power of the federal courts to claw back any “paid vacation” time padded to their accounts? For starters.


  2. Why would a resignation negate a sexual allegation?
    I’m not a lawyer, but could Weinstein just have resigned to skip jail?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I’ll try again. Meanwhile, We the People do not know how much, and to whom, payoffs were made to sexual harassment victims via the secret congressional hush money fund. Where’s the whistleblower for THAT, Chuck?


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