“F*ck Antifa!” – Proud Boys Brawl with Antifa Goons Near BLM Plaza in DC (VIDEO) – IOTW Report

“F*ck Antifa!” – Proud Boys Brawl with Antifa Goons Near BLM Plaza in DC (VIDEO)

Gateway Pundit: A fight broke out between Proud Boys and black bloc Antifa thugs on Saturday just outside of BLM Plaza in DC.

According to the Proud Boys, one guy in black bloc sucker-punched one of the Proud Boys marching toward BLM Plaza.

The Proud Boys chased one of the Antifa goons and beat him before police intervened.

WATCH (language warning):

7 Comments on “F*ck Antifa!” – Proud Boys Brawl with Antifa Goons Near BLM Plaza in DC (VIDEO)

  1. The problem is if the Proud boys defend themselves, the cops step in and they get 10 years in prison. If they lay down and take a beating from Antifa, the local prosecutor will dismiss all charges against Antifa.

  2. I like the kick ass videos. I especially like the one a while back where the woman standing in front of a car got whacked by a cone someone threw at her head. It was a perfect shot. Nothing wrong with a good brawl – however, the guns are going to come out soon and it will no longer be sticks and tear gas – nope real bullets. It’s coming – CWII.

  3. I watched some of the live streaming last night. Didn’t see that skirmish but it was clear that the people behind Trump owned the streets. The radicals were surrounded by the police who were protecting them from the crowds.

  4. Proud Boys and other Patriots need to strategize. Plan your march. Anticipate resistance points in the march and have reserve Patriots out flank the “wall”.
    Most importantly: DO NOT FIGHT THE POLICE ! It sends the wrong message. Use select reserve Proud Boys to converge from the side lines and attack ANTIFA. Strike fast and hard then pull back. Use gorilla warfare. Surgical attacks.


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