‘F*ck Joe Biden’ Chant Becoming So Popular Even Kids in School Buses Are Chanting It – IOTW Report

‘F*ck Joe Biden’ Chant Becoming So Popular Even Kids in School Buses Are Chanting It

Neon Nettle: Joe Biden’s visit to Howell, Michigan on Tuesday proved how unpopular he is among residents. Biden was visiting the town to pitch his $3.5 trillion socialist ‘infrastructure’ spending plan. But as thousands of Trump supporters greeted Joe Biden with “F**k Joe Biden” flags, even school kids joined. MORE

34 Comments on ‘F*ck Joe Biden’ Chant Becoming So Popular Even Kids in School Buses Are Chanting It

  1. School kids shouldn’t be chanting it.

    Children chanting “Fuck” and his name will only make him excited.

    Pedophile rape will ensue.

    Probably with some government “Law Enforcers” holding the victim for him.

  2. Jackboot, have you noticed that the Meedia studiously refers to the creator of “Let’s Go Brandon” as “a reporter”? You’d think the creator of such a massive meme would get some credit. I saw her name once, in a comments section elsewhere, but I forgot to save it. In fact, I don’t even know if it was her true name. Maybe somebody here can find her name, so we can give credit where credit is due. I’m still looking, but the trail grows colder every day.

  3. It started with the left’s hatred of Richard Nixon and the damn Vietnam War and the free speech riots in Bezerkley in the mid 60’s. Throw in Lenny Bruce, the freaks like Allan Ginsburg and other foul mouthed miscreants of the beat generation, precursors to the equally foul mouthed hippies of the late 60’s and all the drugs and you have a recipe for disaster which hasn’t got any better over the past 50 + years. I even yelled eff Nixon at a free concert with Country Joe and the Fish in Peoples park in Bezerkley in Aug. 1972. My grandfather who died in 1967 would’ve killed me and never understood my generation if he had seen or heard what was happening to America back then and is still unabated and even worse now.

  4. @Thirdtwin. All people of good humor owe this woman a debt of gratitude for another Biden gift that keeps on giving. This is as good the the whole “pajama boy” memes! 😂

  5. There is a grand history of cursing going back to Friedrich Von Steuben, the Prussian officer who successfully trained the Continental Army for George Washington. He made the F word popular and the troops loved him.

  6. This needs to happen every time the media has a live interview in public. Make their jobs impossible. They are every bit a part of this cabal of traders. School kids huh, that would be a worthwhile trip to the office. They could just say no sir, I was just saying let’s go Brandon.

  7. Stealing a Nation has side effects, everyone, including children, should fully understand what has been lost any exactly why, so they can recognize it early next time around and perhaps stop it. Stop cuddling them into whiners that can’t defend themselves when need be. There’s a time to stand and no time to fall.

  8. This reminds me. Does anyone really believe that asshole Bubba Wallace legitimately won at Talledega? I think NASCAR is letting his restrictor plate operate under the affirmative action plan. He’s too shitty a driver to win legitimately.

  9. The only thing more vulgar than “Fuck Joe Biden” is Joe Biden himself!
    The only thing more vulgar than “Fuck Joe Biden” is Hunter Biden!
    The only thing more vulgar than “Fuck Joe Biden” is the entire, dysfunctional, crooked Biden family!
    The only thing more vulgar than “Fuck Joe Biden” is what Jackass Joe is doing to our country!!

  10. geoff the aardvark
    OCTOBER 7, 2021 AT 8:47 AM
    “How soon are people going to combine chanting eff joe biden and mooning him at the same time?”

    Should be combining the chant with executing him for treason at the same time.

  11. Inflate a condom with helium, twist it into the shape of a horse and write “BIDEN” on the side of it.
    You wind up with the best representation of what Biden actually is:
    A Trojan horse!

  12. Hey Jackass!
    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.•´


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