FDA blasted for ‘misleading’ mRNA COVID vaccine labels as ‘sudden death’ research mounts – IOTW Report

FDA blasted for ‘misleading’ mRNA COVID vaccine labels as ‘sudden death’ research mounts

JTN: Researchers around the world continue documenting potentially severe side effects from COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in certain demographics, but the Food and Drug Administration refuses to label them or even tell recipients the shots can’t stop transmission of an increasingly immune-evasive virus.

Autopsies and reviews of medical records revealed a much higher incidence of Pfizer and Moderna vaccine-associated heart deaths than officially categorized in South Korean, Japanese and Qatari government registries, particularly in younger people at lower risk from COVID. That echoes a German autopsy study of healthy people who died within 20 days of jabs.

An FDA-funded study in the Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics on May 22 also found a “safety signal” for myocarditis and pericarditis — forms of serious heart inflammation — following vaccination in 12-17 year-olds. It was based on “near-real-time monitoring using commercial claims databases” for more than 3 million children ages 5-17 who took Pfizer’s vaccine. more

13 Comments on FDA blasted for ‘misleading’ mRNA COVID vaccine labels as ‘sudden death’ research mounts

  1. the drug manufacturers got a sweetheart deal by being exempt from liability for their experimental injections…but do Drs have the same exemption…is there a case for professional misconduct…holding the Drs accountable for medical malpractice once the adverse reactions became known…seems that there is a lack of accountability for everyone except those injured or died…

  2. Somebody from the agency will draw the short straw,
    make a public apology, sit in for hearings, and resume as nomal with no changes.
    Will be followed by Politicians making stern comments and promising changes which will never take place.

  3. I just lost another friend to the jab. We begged him not to get the jab, his doctor told him it would help his heart. WTF! We pleaded with him, told him his doctor was a liar. He didn’t listen, so 2 jabs later, he’s dead. Died in his sleep with the remote in his hand. That’s 3 now in the past year…all jabbed — all got sick — all died. 🙁

  4. Take all the jabs they offer and help reduce the worlds over population. It’s the right thing to do for mankind and the earth. If you take enough jabs, you may win a free lab made hamburger.

  5. Thanks to our government, most thinking individuals have lost all faith in what they recommend as well as destroying confidence in the medical establishment. I would hope everyone would be less gullible in the future regarding government suggestions. Now the only thing left will be forced behavior should another “emergency” arise. That will be interesting to see. Of course that’s exactly what they want – total unmitigated control over the lives of all citizens.

  6. The entire FedGov is corrupt and working against American citizens – or, at least, the ones who pay taxes.

    If you believe anything that the FedGov espouses, you are a fool.

    They are actively trying to dismember the United States of America – to destroy western civilization – and to atomize society to the woe of all.

    If anyone can think of a single instance in, say, the past 30 years (excepting actions taken by President Trump), that the FedGov has done to make life in America better please shout it from the rooftops.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Sorry for the losses people suffered because of greedy government and WEF plans coming to fruition. Many were forced to either take the jab or find different employment – I had to take it once or else I could not do what I love to do. I will not take any more. But many still trust the FDA and government/insurance controlled medicine. These people are idiots.

    Many (most?) people are idiots because they f’d up the school system more than 30 years ago.

    Idiots don’t question the ‘good of the government’, the ‘honesty of the media’ and the medical doctors adherence to the Hippocratic Oath. Why would they lie?

    Wonder what’s going to happen when there’s a lot more intelligent Americans than idiots?

  8. Clearly the whole show has been about getting the injections into as many people as possible as often as possible. Why? Rhetorical question. Population reduction. Its working. As intended. Tolerably bullshittable deaths at/near time of injection, likewise miscarriages, disabling events. Cancers begin to appear, again in numbers that can be sluffed off as ‘maybe’ or not related. Immune system impairment allows all opportunistic enemies to advance rapidly, a broad spectrum of deniable deaths and injuries. Onward, to reproductive disability, failure to thrive in infants, all deniable.

    The odds that ANYONE will ever be held to account for these crimes against humanity? Almost NIL.

    By the time the war is over and rebuilding is begun all this will be a memory of the elders

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