FDA commissioner says it’s ‘a significant problem’ many Americans do not want COVID-19 vaccine – IOTW Report

FDA commissioner says it’s ‘a significant problem’ many Americans do not want COVID-19 vaccine

Just the News: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn during an interview with ABC’s Martha Raddatz called it “a significant problem” that many Americans do not intend to get a COVID-19 vaccination.

“Recent polling shows between one-quarter and one-third of Americans do not want to receive a shot,” Raddatz said. “What kinds of problems do those numbers present?” 

Hahn described this as “a signifiant problem” and said that herd immunity is key to emerging from the coronavirus crisis. more

23 Comments on FDA commissioner says it’s ‘a significant problem’ many Americans do not want COVID-19 vaccine

  1. If the rumor is true, that the vaccine is designed to kill off the stupid people and useless eaters, then fine. Good-bye to the people that volunteer. They are most likely democrats.

  2. …I am reminded of a line from a concentration camp story I do not remember the origin of, where a commandant is going over the books with a Jewish inmate pressed into service as an accountant. After reviewing the prisoner losses, food supplies, available guards, and commenting on the developments on the Eastern Front, he slams the book in frustration, glares at the prisoner, and says, “This is terrible! You are dying too slowly!”

    …somehow, I get the feeling Mr. FDA guy would say something similar in a more candid moment, as would ALL of our government betters….

  3. I can see it if the vaccine is made mandatory: The good news is that COVID deaths have been drastically reduced. The bad news is that many more people are dying from the vaccine than would have died from the virus.

  4. You know what the significant problem is? It’s people like you Dr Hahn with the forced house arrest, lockdowns, mask 😷 wearing, and now vaccines.

    In plain english I know you can understand, how about you piss off jackass. 🤬

  5. I heard a doctor talking about Ivermectin. It is a drug that has been available for decades and is in your dog’s heart worm mediation. No one will make billions on it but a lot of studies have shown it prevents transmission and cures covid.

  6. FDA allows asian seafood into US that is riddled with antibiotics that try to cover up how filthy the farm raised seafood actually is. So no I don’t trust FDA or any federal agency they have done lots of damage in the past telling us what was safe even their food pyramid is killing Americans.

  7. This is absolutely outstanding news.

    This is a function of Americans looking at the full court press that is being played and are aware that something is not right. It is very similar to how Americans are recognizing that the election bullshit being pushed is part of a Psy Opps campaign being waged against them.

    Notice that in both, the media and Big Tech are suppressing dissenting opinion while pushing the Party line? The Deep State, media, Big Tech are all scratching their heads in bewilderment, but to anyone with decent powers of observation and a willingness to speak with neighbors, people they meet on the street and acquaintances that there is a sizable population that sense that something is amiss. They are very aware that they are being played at this point and to further the Psy Opps campaign is counter productive to the goals of those pushing the agenda.

    This is a very good sign.


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