FDA files: 26,000 ‘nervous system disorders’ from Pfizer vaccine in first 2.5 months – IOTW Report

FDA files: 26,000 ‘nervous system disorders’ from Pfizer vaccine in first 2.5 months

WND: Files released by the Food and Drug Administration in a Freedom of Information lawsuit recorded 158,893 adverse events from the Pfizer vaccine in the first two and a half months of distribution, including 25,957 incidents of “nervous system disorders.”

The documentation was obtained in a Freedom of Information lawsuit filed a group called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, comprised of more than 30 professors and scientists from universities including Yale, Harvard, UCLA and Brown.

As WND reported, in court papers filed last week, the FDA proposed that it be given 55 years to release all 329,000 pages of documents related to the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine requested by the group.

The plaintiffs want the records so they can be assured, amid significant public skepticism, that the Pfizer vaccine is indeed “safe and effective.” more

5 Comments on FDA files: 26,000 ‘nervous system disorders’ from Pfizer vaccine in first 2.5 months

  1. How many times does someone have to lie to be a LIAR? ONCE.

    Blowhard joebiden* crossed that threshold decades ago.
    Now he’s surrounded himself with all humanity’s detritus.

    Damn them all to hell. Bury them under their stolen wealth.


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