FDA investigates popular children’s cereal after complaints that it caused illness and colorful poop – IOTW Report

FDA investigates popular children’s cereal after complaints that it caused illness and colorful poop

Reports regarding the issues with Lucky Charms began to pop up in December of 2021 on the website IWasPoisoned.com, according to NBC News. The site claims that over 1,000 people have made reports of “stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and colorful stools after they or their children consumed the sugary cereal.” story

20 Comments on FDA investigates popular children’s cereal after complaints that it caused illness and colorful poop

  1. You shouldn’t be feeding your kids candy for breakfast anyway. Feeding them that shit is like feeding them M&Ms or a Snickers bar for breakfast. That is ghetto trash parenting right there.

  2. It has trisodium phosphate among other toxic ingredients that is used as a cleaning agent, builder, lubricant, food additive, stain remover, and degreaser.
    People need to read labels and avoid food loaded with coloring agents and crap like this that have no business being in your body.

  3. Nothing will become of it. General Mills is a woke, thus federally protected, company. I’m just shocked that ABC reported it. Someone has some splaining to do.


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