FDA Limits Use of Johnson and Johnson Vaccine Due to Blood Clots – IOTW Report

FDA Limits Use of Johnson and Johnson Vaccine Due to Blood Clots


The FDA has limited the use of the Johnson and Johnson COVID vaccine to only those over 18-years-old due to blood clotting issues. [Press Release Here] Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine is now limited to adults due to the risk of a rare blood clotting syndrome.

FDA – “Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has limited the authorized use of the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine to individuals 18 years of age and older for whom other authorized or approved COVID-19 vaccines are not accessible or clinically appropriate, and to individuals 18 years of age and older who elect to receive the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine because they would otherwise not receive a COVID-19 vaccine.”

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8 Comments on FDA Limits Use of Johnson and Johnson Vaccine Due to Blood Clots

  1. More people under 18 have died of the Fauchi-Ouchi
    than the KronoKrud. I think it is time for the plandemic
    to end.Sars-Cov-21 will come soon.I predict the mid-terms…….

  2. How is Kamala Harris doing? Haven’t heard much much from her lately. And I don’t recall seeing the ritual “Thankful & Grateful For My Mild Case Because Vaccine” from her.

  3. Is the FDA still recommending “mix & match” booster shots, since they’ve now recommended against J&J for those under 18? Looks like Pfizer is going to corner the jab market. And make a real killing.

    And RADIOATIONMAN/HAM/CB, I was thinking that “Hemorrhagic Fever” would be the next big thing, but now I think you’re right, and they’ll keep dancing with the one they brought, maybe with a new dress. They’ve got a lot invested in her.

  4. Nice to let everyone know now that no one except those under threat of job loss are even getting shots anymore. At least 15% never went for shot two. Maybe half showed up for 3. I know no one that is remotely interested in 4 yet (I wouldn’t rule out fall for them). Everyone with 3 got covid and now knows the shots are worthless. How nice they’ll spare the youngest children and push them to mRNA shots.

  5. It was the only one that was not mRNA based which is the reason why I took it when my shitbag employer required me to do so. They want to force people to take the most deadly of vaccines. This is all about killing people… all of it.

  6. I’m just Fucking ecstatic that I got pfizer TWICE.

    I’m even more impressed I spelled ecstatic correctly without looking it up.


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