FDA May Make Too Many Pizza Toppings a Crime – IOTW Report

FDA May Make Too Many Pizza Toppings a Crime

DailySignal: Jenny Craig can’t arrest you if you miscount your calories, but the federal government could if a new calorie-counting rule takes effect.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s “Nutrition Labeling of Standard Menu Items in Restaurants and Similar Retail Food Establishments” (79 FR 71155) rule is scheduled to take effect on May 5. The 105-page rule implements Obama-era amendments to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), which sets national standards for the marketing and labeling of food products.

The rule will require, among other mandates, that all restaurants and other retail food outlets, such as movie theaters, operating as one brand with at least 20 stores display a calorie count in addition to other nutritional information for all standard menu items on the establishment’s “menus and menu boards.”

To demonstrate the potential scope of that provision, Lynn Liddle, a former executive vice president at Domino’s Pizza, said, “‘Menu’ can refer to any writing that [is] ‘used by a customer to make an order selection at the time the customer is viewing the writing’”—possibly including flyers and other advertisements.

“We no longer know what a menu is,” Liddle said, to point out how confusing the rule is.  MORE


20 Comments on FDA May Make Too Many Pizza Toppings a Crime

  1. If I had a pizza restaurant subject to this rule, I would publish a book with a complex spread sheet of all the ingredients individually, with the calorie count of each ingredient, per unit, then list how many units of each ingredient in each size pizza. Then let the customer do the math.

  2. Government can’t enforce laws, control or prosecute national security breaches, desertion, corruption, waste, leaks, fire worthless federal employees, don’t care for vets or elderly, tax everything under the sky, can’t build a wall, can’t stop illegal immigrants or refugees, can’t pass a budget or repeal Obamacare, but these assholes can mandate national standards for the marketing and labeling of food products.
    Stop the madness.

  3. That’s one large pepperoni and mushroom pizza. Please sign here, here, and initial here to let the FDA know you have read all nutritional values and allergy warnings for this purchase and we are all in compliance.
    Will you take this to go?
    OK, please initial right here on the box saying you have read the California food safety warning.
    Yes, I understand you don’t live in California.

  4. Make ordering an augmented reality experience. Visualize the finished product with calorie count after each ingredient is added. It all goes in a database and cross referenced with your obamacare health plan. You will pay for your decisions.

    Calorie count is only one measure of what’s going in your body. Nutritional value, where and how the food was sourced is more important and naturally the government doesn’t give 2 shits about that aspect.

    (neither of which are good)

    Trump has failed to sufficiently eliminate the Obama influence/employees who make such cr*p regulations misery for Americans.


    Trump’s appointee (DID he appoint a head to the FDA? Some posts he has intentionally left empty, which is not all bad!) sees this as “low level” stuff…and needs to be removed IMMEDIATELY.

    This is EXACTLY the sort of sh!t that BEGS good Americans to follow Jefferson’s call for – ahem – refreshing the tree of liberty.

  6. Another example of being set up for failure. This was a regulation passed last year prior to any Trump appointee being named, intentionally designed to be implemented after all of the appointees are in position so that they can be completely blamed for fining businesses or shutting them down.
    Yet one more example of liberals intentionally fucking things up and then blaming someone else for it. With the full complicity of the press to ensure the “correct” message gets out to the american children who can’t see past their nose.

  7. This won’t affect me because I am on a strict diet of beer and pizza regardless of calories. Sure, I’m not losing any weight, but it’s easy to stick to.

  8. OK.
    Somebody – ANYBODY – show me the part of the Constitution that permits (yes, permits) the FedGov any authority over pizza.
    My copy (as far as I can find) doesn’t contain the word “pizza.”

    izlamo delenda est …

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