FDA proposes ‘gender-inclusive’ blood donor requirements with ‘risk-based questions’ for HIV – IOTW Report

FDA proposes ‘gender-inclusive’ blood donor requirements with ‘risk-based questions’ for HIV

JTN– The U.S. Food and Drug Administration proposed using what it calls “gender-inclusive, individual risk-based questions” to reduce the risk of HIV transmission from blood donors to recipients by asking about new sexual partners and anal sex in a move that will allow more gay and bisexual men to donate blood.

Current FDA guidance requires “men who have sex with men” and women who have sex with men in this group to abstain from relations for three months before donating blood to reduce the risk of HIV transmission. 

The new donor history questionnaire proposed Friday would ask about new sexual partners within the past three months. If they answer affirmatively, the prospective donors would be asked about their history of anal sex over the past three months. 

“All prospective donors who report having a new sexual partner or more than one sexual partner and had anal sex in the past three months would be deferred from donation,” the FDA stated.

This means gay and bisexual men who have not had a new partner within the past three months will be able to donate blood. more

SNIP: Will the questionnaires be handed to the person’s sexual partner(s), too? How can they be sure anyone is telling the truth?

11 Comments on FDA proposes ‘gender-inclusive’ blood donor requirements with ‘risk-based questions’ for HIV

  1. Gay and bisexual? They mean homosexuals. Deviant scumbags.

    Give yourself blood if you can plan it. Otherwise you are rolling the proverbial dice with AIDS, vaxxed mush, and other faggot diseases.

  2. My dad, who had hemophilia, got hepatitis from a blood transfusion in the 70s. Damn near killed him and he ended up losing a big chunk of his liver. He also met my evil stepmother to be who was a social worker in the hospital; but that’s another story. Just proves that nothing good ever happens in hospitals.

  3. I regularly give blood & the ‘questionnaire’ is a joke. it is online & you can fill it out the day of your appointment & download the QR to your phone, which they scan at your sign-in to avoid the waste of time doing it in person.

    anyone can easily lie on any one of the questions … were you in Western Europe in the ’80’s? were you w/ a prostitute? have you had a tatoo in the last 12 months?

    the FDA just made the nation’s blood supply more dangerous to assuage certain people (voting block) of their guilty behavior

    it does no good for a nation to exalt the wicked at the expense of the innocent
    … my 2 cents

  4. You cannot trust any medical community to not give you blood from some aids positive or mRNA vaxed “near cadaver”. Even if your able to donate your own blood there is very little chance you will receive your own blood back during an operation when you need it.

  5. Sir or Ma’am or whatever creature you identify as today are you a fag?

    Do you regularly takeout up your ass from those with the highest percentage of AIDS, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Money Pox, Hepatitis, and chlamydia?

    Is there at least a 90% chance you have at least one if not all of the aforementioned plagues from your promiscuous butt humping?

    If you answered yes to all of these questions please step this way, congratulations you are our first priority to deliberately infect those Bible thumping, gun toting, Jesus freaking, pickup driving, climate denying, vaccine avoiding, queer hating ULTRAMAGA patriot types.

    Beginning to see the picture now?

  6. “by asking about new sexual partners and anal sex”

    In my opinion, there is no such thing as anal sex. the anus IS NOT a sex organ. any act involving it, male or female, is a perversion, an abomination, not sex.


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