FDA ruled against by a federal court over anti-Ivermectin messaging – IOTW Report

FDA ruled against by a federal court over anti-Ivermectin messaging

“FDA is not a physician. It has authority to inform, announce, and apprise—but not to endorse, denounce, or advise,” the ruling reads.  MORE.

22 Comments on FDA ruled against by a federal court over anti-Ivermectin messaging

  1. Well this proves one thing. The Fed Courts are as medically proficient as the fxcking politicized, compromised, FDA.
    Evey one need to start stocking up on Ivermectin and 300 Blackout. What, you don’t own a Blackout? That’s OK, send me that ammo.

  2. the plaintiff was correct, “it’s a small win” … the FDA was successful in stopping the treatment of Ivermectin in halting SARs 2 … a simple cold virus who’s cure was worse than the treatment … the blood they spilled, intentionally, is on their hands (although, I don’t think they lose one minute of sleep over it)

    we can never forget or forgive those that grabbed onto this to actually kill old people in nursing homes, by using government fiat in putting Covid infected people in nursing homes … they are murderers in the same vein as Pol Pot, Stalin & Mao (leftist heroes one & all). they are evil … they are D’cRats

  3. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his very soul? I can think of a few other times in history where genocide was used to kill off humans. They will pay dearly.

  4. AAAAAaaaaannnnddd absolutely fuck all will be done about it. This ruling is basically nothing more than a strongly-worded protest letter or fifty lashes with a wet noodle. Fuckers did what they did knowing it was all a lie and knowing what the consequences would be, and they deserve to be swinging from lampposts for it.

  5. Who was the guy on here always telling us how stupid we were for taking horse medicine and believed everything the government said?

    Well my ivermectin never harmed me or killed me and I actually learned it will cure the common cold.

  6. The court did the right thing.

    It’s up to the prosecutors to ferret out the guilty and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the “law.” The “FDA” is a collection of individuals – an organization cannot “inform, announce, apprise, endorse, denounce, or advise” – only the individuals within that (criminal) organization can do those things.
    Which, of course, will never be done.

    “No need to point fingers. Mistakes were made, and we just want to make sure it never happens again.”

    Same old bullshit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. What should happen now, and of course won’t, is for the emergency use licenses to be nullified because ivermectin was a known effective COVID treatment, and for the pharma mob’s liability shield to be retroactively canceled.

  8. The FDA said it was not legal to save lives by ‘off-label’ using Ivermectin. At the same time, they recommended ‘off-label’ use of a known killer, Remdesivir. Hospitals were paid over $200,000 if patients were killed with Remdesivir. Thousands of doctors and hospital administrators need to face Nuernberg trials. Why are the lawyers silent?

  9. Wylie1 AT 7:56 AM
    “Why are the lawyers silent?”

    Because they’re in on it.

    And also because that’s where politicians come from, and many have political aspersions.

    That game has rules too, you know.

    And rule 1 is you DON’T oppose your kingmakers.

    …and medical tyranny has proved an EXTREMELY useful tool in politics besides.

    Why would a prospective Representative, Senator, or President preemptively deprive himself of such an effective bludgeon, one that adds every man’s neighbors to their team of enforcers?

    …no, the lawyers won’t profit as they could on this.

    Because there is FAR more profit in slaying than there is in saving.

    All it costs is your soul.

    And many law school graduates surrendered that long before they got to the courtroom the first time…

  10. Ivermectin remains costly and needs a prescription, which most doctors will not prescribe.
    When will Ivermectin be placed as Over-The-Counter medicine as it was before at .39 cents per tablet, NOT $20.

  11. Control of the access to medical care is simply one more step toward complete tyranny. Same with “green energy”. And, they’re coming after the food supply. Everything they do today is part of their ultimate goal / agenda too “rule the world”. Perhaps one day the people will realize the truth and decide they’ve had enough. The ruling class is deeply entrenched and extremely powerful. Any attempt at meaningful change will be very difficult and won’t be pretty.

  12. Good.

    Now do the pharmacies that refused to fill legitimate prescriptions for Ivermectin because of it.

    Do the pharmacists in PARTICULAR. They refused to do their duty and people were deprived of life saving medication as a result.

    When I was a medic, I had a duty to treat to the limits of my training and ability. Had I failed to treat or refused to treat, I could have been held civilly and criminally liable had someone died as a result.

    It’s called malpractice.


    …yes, statutes vary, but all states have this same theme.

    It applies to everyone on the medical totem pole, from the lowest technician to the highest specialist.

    I see no reason that pharmacists should be any exception.

    …we just went through a period of medical mass murder. The vaxxx is still out there too, and bring forced on CHILDREN, so in many ways we still ARE.

    At some point, blood MUST be paid for in blood.

    And it seems the caduceus may go down in history with the swastika at the new Nuremberg before too much more time passes…

  13. So I’m seeing a new trend. If anyone can confirm from the outside in….

    LTACs (long term acute care hospitals) are being told by Medicare and other insurers they are too expensive. Cut your fees or you won’t get patients. So they’re sending these patients to sub standard care centers.

    Imaging a medically fragile patient but chronically so, on a tube feeding, vent and telemetry. Now send them to a regular nursing home.

    What happens?

    The government saves money especially when they die as anyone could expect.


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