FDA Sued Over Hiding Records From Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Approval – IOTW Report

FDA Sued Over Hiding Records From Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Approval

National Pulse:

Defending the Republic, a Texas-based non-profit filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Food and Drug Administration for refusing to turn over records related to the approval of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines.

he group filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking the production of records relating to the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) internal review process of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine marketed as “Spikevax.”  Given that the forces impacting the FDA’s decision to authorize the vaccine could have influenced Americans’ decision on whether or not to get vaccinated against COVID-19, Defending the Republic requested expedited processing of relevant records.

“Please provide all data and information submitted by Moderna relating to the FDA review and approval of Spikevax. This includes, but is not limited to, all safety and effectiveness data and information; all data and information in the biological product file; and all ingredients,” outlined the initial FOIA request.

On February 9th, less than a week after the initial FOIA was filed, the FDA refused the request for expedited processing, prompting Defending the Republic to appeal the decision. more

16 Comments on FDA Sued Over Hiding Records From Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Approval

  1. “…as data has shown its risk were not adequately explained to those receiving it…”

    Nonetheless, as early as when ever I learned these pharma companies would not be liable for problems arising from getting injection, the little voice in my head starting asking questions…like why aren’t clinical trials being conducted? Why rush a new technology? WhyTF was Bill Gates so keen on this shit??

    It was enough for me to go from probably getting a shot to wait & see. Especially since I got the chinese flu in Feb/20 and no amount of Fauci bullshit is going to change me knowing I now had natural immunity.

    And the info floodgates in alternate media opened with some disturbing observations like Dr Cole noting soon after the vaxxing started he was seeing an increase in usually very rare cancers.

    And we were off to the races, no way I was getting that shit and I sure as fuck wasn’t going to believe any “assurances” from the CDC or Moderna. And everyone that did failed the IQ test.

  2. Shit’s just starting to get real.

    Once a critical mass of public opinion shifts and/or the Trial Lawyers are funneling more money their way than Big Pharma and their partners in crime, the politicians will respond by throwing Big Pharma under the bus. The courts have become so politicized they will respond by jumping on the “current thing” bandwagon and all hell is going to break loose.

    Big Tech is neck deep in this, as are the media and academia. It is going to be the mother of all civil litigation cases and the immunities they think they enjoy are going to go the way of the dodo bird faster than Hunter Biden can light a crack pipe, or order up a hooker.

    They are up Shit Creek and they are just now beginning to realize that the paddle they thought they had purchased by way of deals they cut with the politicians are not going to materialize. Their arrogance is going to be their undoing. The cut a deal with the devil and the devil wants his due. The devil will get his due, the Trial Lawyers will see to that and the politicians who took the money from Big Pharma and Big Tech are going to end up with a hell of a lot more of the ill gotten gains than Big Tech and Big Pharma thought.

    It’s going to be a fucking bloodbath as the most despicable of individuals square off in the biggest, ugliest, nastiest fight of all time. It’s going to be of Biblical proportions and it is about to get real.

  3. Nonetheless, as early as when ever I learned these pharma companies would not be liable for problems arising from getting injection, the little voice in my head starting asking questions…like why aren’t clinical trials being conducted? Why rush a new technology? WhyTF was Bill Gates so keen on this shit??

    Is Trump asking the same question or is he pushing his Operation Warp Speed jab still. He’ll never admit to it being a disaster – nor Gates or Fauci. That’s okay, people are catching on and refusing the boosters. Moderna has to destroy millions of vials of the death jab. Trust no one. Those 3 own it. I ain’t kicking myself that’s for sure. Still a pure blood.

  4. Excuse me but Trump SIGNED into law, as he fast tracked the vaccines, that these drug companies supplying the vaccines, can not be sued, yeah read my lips, NOT BE SUED! Hiding records, will fall into can not sue!

  5. He also instituted the Right To Try. Also bypassing the FDA. And because of it there were big things happening this week to fight cancer. If you think you’re going to find your perfect candidate you don’t think so good. I’m willing to bet after four years of DeSantis people will find fault with him too.

  6. Last I checked Trump did not make the vaccine himself, he expedited it. Believing the sales pitch that they could do it with enough money.
    I can’t understand why he would back it at this point, if he is?
    We were all sold out to Big pharma and the globalist that want us dead or controlled.
    I believe they’re trying to kill us and they have a plan, part of that plan is to try and take the second amendment away.
    They just might succeed somewhat, but the guns aren’t going away. We seen this picture many times around the world, we know how It ends.
    And it’s still America and there’s a point when people say no.

  7. My opinion. The MAGA Movement has become much bigger than just Trump. And unlike Libtards we don’t march lockstep with anybody. So we are not always going to agree with our elected representatives. But at the end of the day there are some issues that are pretty damn important to all of us. Like saving the damn country.

  8. If DJT gets the nod, I’ll back him a 1,000%, as you say, we’re not always going to agree with our reps.

    His endorsing McCarthy is mystifying. It’s Paul Ryan 2.0. We had both Houses of Congress and the WH the first 2 years back when Trump won in 2016. He came into office with a basket of campaign promises and Ryan slow walked almost every one. On top of it, Rence Preibus?? Are you kidding me.

    And you know who was Ryan room mate? yeah, McCarthy. Did you read the transcripts of the leaked calls McCarthy made? And Trump endorses him?

    Compare the administration that DJT put together v Desantis’ team in FL. I don’t see the back stabbing I saw throughout DJT’s term, I see a smooth running, well oiled political machine that is getting shit done. Big shit too.

    Ron is working with people that he hired who are on board with his vision. Trump had a few guys like Navarro and Mnuchin and back stabbers/never Trumpers. His choice of Barr!!!! after Sessions was ridiculous and this McCarthy endorsement is just too sketchy.

    Desantis has the huge plus of running a large state government and if I do say so, he’s running it better than just about any other governor. That kind of executive experience is different than being a CEO of a large corporation. And it shows.

  9. MMinWA

    I don’t disagree with what you write, however, as far as McCarthy, did Trump get some sort of gaurantee from him this time around? I dunno. Historically Trump shuns anybody that bad mouths him.
    As far as Cabinet Postitions, like Barr. That’s a lot more complicated than just pulling a name out of a hat. You need to get them approved. And he was running into head winds constantly from Turtle Boy.
    I’m hopeful Trump learned enough the first time around that he can come back and start hammering on the deep state. He’s always seemed to be a quick study.
    I also hope he, DeSantis and a bunch of other folks are working together. It would be nice to see our side as organized as our enemy. For Once.

  10. Trump is now a politician. He has state publicly how ruthless the game is and he isn’t the same man that went into this in 2017. He is also calculating and he knows what McCarthy said re Jan 6th and how all the other RINOs behave but I believe the politician Trump is interested in making sure those up for election can win for a GOP majority, and incumbents basically always do win, just look at the primaries to date. And when you get to the general the incumbent again also almost always wins. That was exactly what Trump explained in the Oz selection, he was not picking the most MAGA he was picking who could win a general election. And Trump has forced McCarthy to turn on Cheney an incumbent he does fully intent to get out. And that is a good bet since that seat will stay republican regardless. I can’t stand McCarthy etc. and I am livid over the vaccination. If Trump wants to run for POTUS in 2024 he’ll have to prove himself again. But before everyone just abandons him consider he got us out of the Paris Climate Accord, he stopped funding the WHO, he was working on defunding the CIA in Syria and other areas, he got us energy independent, he built a lot of the wall, lowered taxes and had a rocking economy all in the midst of the most evil vile uni-party attacks in history. He also told off the WEF, China etc. and had peace reign. He was the best president in my lifetime and no man is perfect. And there isn’t one Republican anywhere that has been anywhere near where they should be on voicing issues with this vaccine. Ron Johnson has been the only one to really give the injured a platform and that is a big problem all potential candidates have.

  11. WE could spend a couple hours shining on DJT. He was a fabulous prez and considering those head winds, quite remarkable. And obviously what’s he’s doing with his endorsements is to try and get MAGA Congressmen and Senators into Congress.

    Brad makes the excellent point that maybe the guys on our side could put together a plan that would preclude any infighting. Like along the lines of Newt’s Contract with America.

    I’ve seen Desantis and Trump together at a couple different venues and they appeared amiable. Both of them are muchly needed.

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