FDNY: Ex-Cons Now Admitted For ‘Diversity’ – IOTW Report

FDNY: Ex-Cons Now Admitted For ‘Diversity’

Vdare- In the immediate aftermath of September 11, 2001, the New York Fire Department (FDNY) astonished the world with its bravery, skill, and solidarity. This didn’t just happen by accident. As many profiles of the FDNY have shown, New York’s Bravest have a long tradition of service which is often passed down from father to son [Telling the story of New York’s bravestby Todd Leopold, CNN, November 11, 2002]. The FDNY is perhaps the most widely admired public institution in the country, legends and heroes to almost all Americans.

Naturally, the federal government has been doing its best to destroy them ever since September 11.

The September 11 memorial statue which was canceled for being too white was simply a harbinger of things to come.

Thanks to a typically unhinged judge, who blasted the FDNY as a bastion of “white male privilege,” affirmative action has been massively imposed. Mayor Bill de Blasio has shelled out almost $100 million to minority applicants to the FDNY. Exams no longer ask about firefighting because if they did, not enough minorities would be able to pass. Not surprisingly, some of the affirmative action hires are not just unqualified, but actually afraid to fight fires.


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  1. Lawsuit Claims FDNY Discriminated Against Combat Veteran, While Hiring Son of Convicted Terrorist – IOTW Report

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