FDNY Firefighters Who Booed Tyrant AG Letitia James Ordered to Surrender or Risk Being Hunted Down – IOTW Report

FDNY Firefighters Who Booed Tyrant AG Letitia James Ordered to Surrender or Risk Being Hunted Down

— Will Face Punishment and Reeducation.

A large group of firefighters made their stance perfectly clear during Thursday’s New York Fire Department (FDNY) promotion ceremony regarding James’s inquisition of President Trump.

27 Comments on FDNY Firefighters Who Booed Tyrant AG Letitia James Ordered to Surrender or Risk Being Hunted Down

  1. Welcome to the New Communism of the 21st Century!
    This is the kind of shit that is driving people OUT of New York and discouraging anyone with a small dose of common sense from moving to New York!

  2. MAGA has the power to break these fuck-, I mean folks right now. All firefighters and cops walk off the job until the rule of law is restored in NYC. Meaning all lawfare lawsuits dropped, and prosecutions of James and that “Harpo Marx on crack” looking judge, Engeron

  3. IDK, this isn’t a hill I would choose to die on, nor a venue I would pick for politics. Yes, Letitia is loathsome, but as it says in Ecclesiastes, to everything there is a season and someone else’s happy promotional ceremony
    isn’t it.

    As for uniformed ranks in particular, this seems particularly inappropriate to me.

    I have worn one uniform or another for most of my adult life, sometimes for a city, sometimes for a business. The way I always saw it was that as long as I was in uniform I was repping for what that uniform said, and so I
    wouldn’t be bad mouthing the people who’s name is on my shoulder, chest, or back while wearing it. There’s plenty of times and ways to very openly and very publicly protest against political assholery, and more effective than acting like kids cutting up in study hall when you should be projecting the professional demeanor that shows you respect your calling and your colleagues and can be trusted to not let your emotions rule you when in uniform.

    I did not personally like the mayor that pinned my badge on me, but I worked for that and it was my day, mine and the guys with me at the ceremony. Had others started hooting and hollering at him, while I would have agreed with it, I would also have considered it very disrespectful to we the focus SHOULD have been on, as well as to what we worked so hard to represent. Why let the BAD guy steal your thunder? All this behavior did was let HER look like the adult instead of THEM, and it just pushed their brothers and sisters they were supposed to be honoring aside for a few minutes of cheap political theatre.

    There IS a way you can do it to REALLY put a slapdown on them. In a community where I used to live, 75% of the FD/EMS and most of the officers from the Chief on down turned in their resignations because they’d had enough of the city’s
    crap. THAT is an attention getter.


    And that’s the rub. If you really hate your employer THAT much…DON’T WORK FOR THEM!

    IF EVERYONE in NYC did that, it wouldn’t be hard to have ACTUAL change come out of it.

    The pot needs to boil over all at once. A few scalding drops will only make them angry and vengeful.

    As these firefighters are about to find out.

    Give her all the crap she deserves, and more, when its appropriate to do so.

    Just don’t do it at the expense of the dignity of your calling.

  4. Who the hell does this bitch think she is?? This is America, fu#k that shit! They need to sue the living shit out of that obnoxious communist whore.
    W T F is wrong with you limped-dicked New Yorkers?

  5. We went from “Gents” to “Hunted Down”. Jacks a communist asshole and he’s the one that needs to be hunted down. There will come a day when we can’t let these little pricks get away with this shit. Zero tolerance. I hope that day gets here pretty damn fast. Tomorrow would be good.

  6. @ SNS I would agree with you if they had booed a Mayor or chief of department, as that would constitute insubordination of someone higher in command, sort of like an enlist man booing an officer or president.
    The State AG has no direct authority over a uniformed civil service member or any other city employee for that matter expressing your displeasure of their actions in this case is no different then booing AOC or any other politician.

  7. If blacks and whites are to live side by side, one group will need to accept the lifestyle of the other group in order to achieve peaceful cohabitation. The black race is not intellectually capable of rising to the living standards of the white man. Peace cannot be achieved naturally. This pushback will get much worse until we have war. It’s a simple matter of laddition – how many more days until we’ve had enough. I say we shuffle the deck and deal ‘em again sooner rather than later. We are meant for more.

  8. Seaoh
    SUNDAY, 10 MARCH 2024, 18:05 AT 6:05 PM

    You are correct about how she has no authority there and I question why she WAS there, but it’s not the act of booing her I’m disagreeing with, it’s the context. They’re there to honor brothers in arms, and wasting time disrupting proceedings on HER takes away from THEM.

    Better when in uniform and with a purpose to ignore her than acknowledge her even with a boo. Imagine if her every remark was greeted with stone silence.

    …”please clap” indeed…

  9. @sns Why was she at such an event in the first place? she was there purely for political reasons , therefor she should expect to be treated as a craven politician that she is. Again she has nothing to do with the NYFD, she is not in the chain of command or the Union nor was she ever a firefighter, she was using the firemen and their uniforms as political props and it backfired.
    If the event was truly about fallen firefighters It should have been a Mayor, Union official or chief to give the honors and speeches.


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