Fearing Recall, George Gascon Charges Known Felon for Brutally Attacking Olympian Kim Glass – IOTW Report

Fearing Recall, George Gascon Charges Known Felon for Brutally Attacking Olympian Kim Glass


Disgraced Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon charges a known felon accused of attacking Olympian Kim Glass.

Following the release of criminal after criminal, light sentencings, and his soft-on-crime policies, Gascon is doing the right thing for once — putting criminals behind bars.

The felon, Semeon Tesfamariam, was convicted of felony assault in 2018 and 2019. He was out on parole after a state prison term, and most recently, he attacked Glass. On Tuesday, Gascon said:

“This was a brutal, unprovoked attack … Mr. Tesfamariam has a troubling history of attacking apparently random people with dangerous weapons. His behavior appears to have escalated with time.”

As RedState’s Jennifer Oliver O’Connell reported, Tesfamariam is accused of throwing a 10-inch metal bolt at Glass’ face as she was walking near a homeless encampment in Downtown Los Angeles.

Here is how Glass explained the horrific incident: more here

12 Comments on Fearing Recall, George Gascon Charges Known Felon for Brutally Attacking Olympian Kim Glass

  1. He’ll try to tack center, hoping that the morons won’t see him for what he is, and will return to his anti-Civilizational self once he’s secure.

    These people really need to be put out of our misery.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. This problem is bigger than Gascon:

    Los Angeles receives $130 Million in Federal tax money for homeless ~ Los Angeles Daily News, July 2021

    In addition:
    “Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

    The single most robust federal program that directly targets homelessness is the “Continuum of Care” (CoC) grant program administered by HUD. A Continuum of Care essentially coordinates the response to homelessness at the local level. Federal grant money to CoCs pays for things like emergency shelters, permanent supportive housing and case management.

    There are four Continuum of Care bodies in Los Angeles County: Pasadena, Long Beach, Glendale and the LA CoC, which covers the rest of the county. The four CoCs got a total of about $139 million in federal grants in 2018.

    In addition, HUD administers the “Emergency Solutions Grant” program for emergency shelters and related services. This year, HUD awarded providers in Los Angeles County about $7.3 million.” ~ Southern California Public Radio

    “LA Plans to Spend $1 Billion Under Garcetti Homeless Plan” ~ Los Angeles Times, April, 2021

    “LA spending up to $837,000 to house a single homeless person

    “A Los Angeles audit finds that a $1.2 billion program intended to quickly build housing for the city’s homeless residents is moving too slowly, and costs are climbing” ~ ABC News, February, 2022

    “Go West, Vagrants: Los Angeles To Give Poor Residents $1,000 A Month For The Next Three Years” ~ The Federalist, May, 2021

    And the LA “homeless” population continues to climb. Golly, I can’t think why.


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