Fearless Faithful Crusader: Sharron “Braveheart” Angle Author – IOTW Report

Fearless Faithful Crusader: Sharron “Braveheart” Angle Author

Too many folks on our side fall for the Left’s campaign to eliminate them from the battle forever by branding them toxic and unelectable.

CandaFreePress: Around 2009, a Nevadan Christian woman state legislator was fed up. She was fed up with “politics as usual” and the “good old boy system.” But most of all, she was disgusted with the lack of “courage” in congress.


After much prayer, Conservative Republican Sharron Angle stepped forward to take on Goliath, Sen Harry Reid, possibly the most insidiously evil, entrenched all powerful partisan politician in America. Angle vs Reid became the biggest race in the country.

Early in Sharron’s campaign, I was touring on Tea Party Express. Sharron spoke at our Nevada rallies. I had an opportunity to chat with Sharron. I thought, “Wow, this woman is truly one of us; a love of God, family, country and freedom.” I chuckled to myself noticing the gleam in Sharron’s eyes as she shared more facts about her beloved state of Nevada than I needed to know; sounding like a proud momma. I thought, “Bless her heart, but this nice lady does not have a snowball’s chance of coming anywhere near defeating political behemoth Reid.” Man, was I wrong.  more here

3 Comments on Fearless Faithful Crusader: Sharron “Braveheart” Angle Author

  1. She is not unelectable. She cam within 1.5% of beating Harry Reid, and I remind the NRA of that every time they call me wanting mo’ money. If the NRA and the establishment had supported her.

  2. Also hate it when the establishment says moronic stuff like, “Well, the problem with Palin is that she has baggage.”
    Yeah, she has fake “baggage” that the press made up for her. Like they’ll do with every other candidate. Remember, McCain had been the darling of the New York Times for decades because he’s a Democrat at heart. Then, the second he announces he’s in the race the Times runs a made up story about his “affair.”
    Hope Sharron runs again. And, that the next “work out accident” Reid has knocks that evil creep out for good.

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